如何删除 Autodesk Access“rootkit”?

如何删除 Autodesk Access“rootkit”?

我曾经安装了一些(付费)Autodesk 产品(机构访问,免费获得许可证),并安装了所有随附的软件产品,包括 Autodesk Access。当我意识到使用开源软件对我而言会更好时,我尝试卸载所有 Autodesk 软件。失败后,我按照11(!)个步骤Autodesk 网站上有描述。

我相信我成功了(该程序不再列在已安装的应用程序中),但 Autodesk Access 不仅仍然在我的计算机上,而且它在 Windows 启动时自行启动。


唯一能确定的方法是重新安装 Windows。但令人惊讶的是,在反复执行以下项目后,列表在某些时候,重新启动后,没有 Autodesk 程序正在运行或出现在已安装的应用程序列表中。我运行了一些步骤大约十几次,中间还重新启动了 Microsoft“卸载疑难解答”尤其。

来自 Autodesk 说明:

Search "Uninstall Tool" on the Windows Start button.
Open it and select all the Autodesk software to remove them.
Note.  The Uninstall Tool is only available for Autodesk software that is not using the new Installation Experience. If the tool is not available on your system, skip to Step 3. 
Click Start > type appwiz.cpl > press ENTER. The Control Panel opens. Uninstall all Autodesk software.
Go to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AdODIS\V1 and run RemoveODIS.exe to uninstall Autodesk Access. 
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared and run AdskLicensing\uninstall.exe to uninstall Autodesk Licensing Desktop Service. 
Run Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter to check and remove any residual Autodesk software on the system. For Autodesk Genuine Service, please go to Step 11. 
Click Start > type %temp% > press ENTER. The Temp folder opens. Remove all folders and files, skip any in use.
Remove the three files starting with adsk in C:\ProgramData\FLEXnet (Note. One of the three files is hidden).
Remove the following folders:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared
C:\Program Files (x86)Autodesk
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared
C:\ProgramData\Autodesk (Note: This folder might be hidden)
%localappdata%\Autodesk (Note: This folder might be hidden)
%appdata%\Autodesk (Note: This folder might be hidden)
Open Windows Registry Editor (REGEDIT) and remove the following:
Click Start > type appwiz.cpl > press ENTER. The Control Panel opens. Uninstall Autodesk Genuine Service. 

因此,如果您不想再在计算机上安装 Autodesk,则需要花几个小时进行卸载。
