我已经编写了 powershell 脚本,它将同步或复制 repo 从一个组织到另一个组织,但是目前该脚本仅同步主分支,而不是所有分支。
Sync the Repo one from Org to another Org.
Repo or Detla sync of entire repo from Org to another org
using Powershell script.
#Clear Console
# Delete the Old Destination Folder
$Path = "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\$(API_Repo)\"
if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) {
# Get all files in the folder
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path
# Loop through each file and delete it
foreach ($file in $files) {
Remove-Item $file.FullName -Force
Write-Output "Deleted: $($file.Name)"
#Source URL to fetch the Repo
$Sourceurl = "https://$(SourceOrg):$(PAT)@dev.azure.com/$(SourceOrg)/$(URLSourceProject)/_git/$(API_Repo)"
#Destination URL to push the Repo
$DestinationURL = "https://$(DestinationOrg):$(PAT)@dev.azure.com/$(DestinationOrg)/$(DestinationProject)/_git/$(API_Repo)"
#Set Location for current folder
Set-Location "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)"
Write-Output "***** Cloning the Source URL*****"
git clone $Sourceurl
#Set Location to get the latest repo from source
Write-Output "Source Project: $(API_Repo)"
Set-Location "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\$(API_Repo)\"
Write-Output "*****Git removing remote origin****"
#Git Commands to fetch and push the code
git remote rm origin
Write-Output "*****Git remote add****"
git remote add --mirror=fetch origin $DestinationURL
Write-Output "*****Git fetch origin****"
git fetch $sourceURL
Write-Output "*****Git push to Global Repos****"
git push origin --all -f
我修改了git 获取 $sourceURL到git 获取源地址获取 repo 中的所有分支,但是当我运行管道时,我看到这个警告或错误。