将所有分支从一个 Org Repo 复制或同步到具有相同 repo 的另一个 Org

将所有分支从一个 Org Repo 复制或同步到具有相同 repo 的另一个 Org

我已经编写了 powershell 脚本,它将同步或复制 repo 从一个组织到另一个组织,但是目前该脚本仅同步主分支,而不是所有分支。


    Sync the Repo one from Org to another Org.
    Repo or Detla sync of entire repo from Org to another org 
    using Powershell script.
#Clear Console
# Delete the Old Destination Folder
$Path = "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\$(API_Repo)\"
if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) {
    # Get all files in the folder
    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path
    # Loop through each file and delete it
    foreach ($file in $files) {
        Remove-Item $file.FullName -Force
        Write-Output "Deleted: $($file.Name)"
#Source URL to fetch the Repo
$Sourceurl = "https://$(SourceOrg):$(PAT)@dev.azure.com/$(SourceOrg)/$(URLSourceProject)/_git/$(API_Repo)"
#Destination URL to push the Repo
$DestinationURL = "https://$(DestinationOrg):$(PAT)@dev.azure.com/$(DestinationOrg)/$(DestinationProject)/_git/$(API_Repo)"
#Set Location for current folder
Set-Location "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)"
Write-Output "***** Cloning the Source URL*****"
git clone $Sourceurl
#Set Location to get the latest repo from source
Write-Output "Source Project: $(API_Repo)"
Set-Location "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\$(API_Repo)\"
Write-Output "*****Git removing remote origin****"
#Git Commands to fetch and push the code
git remote rm origin
Write-Output "*****Git remote add****"
git remote add --mirror=fetch origin $DestinationURL
Write-Output "*****Git fetch origin****"
git fetch $sourceURL
Write-Output "*****Git push to Global Repos****"
git push origin --all -f

我修改了git 获取 $sourceURLgit 获取源地址获取 repo 中的所有分支,但是当我运行管道时,我看到这个警告或错误。

