在 Ubuntu 20.04 中配对 LOGITECH K380

在 Ubuntu 20.04 中配对 LOGITECH K380

我连接到我的新 K380无需配对过程使用蓝牙管理器。之后,使用一段时间后,我发现键盘不再有反应,我总是重新连接它才能正常工作。


我将 Ubuntu 20.04 与 Dell Latitude e5450 和 Intel Wireless 7265 (rev 59) 结合使用



bluetoothctl如果尚未安装,请安装。在 Ubuntu 20.04 中它是默认安装的。


$ bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[MX Vertical]# agent on
Agent is already registered


[MX Vertical]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller DC:53:60:0E:0A:C8 Discovering: yes
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 RSSI: -49
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 Class: 0x00002540
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 Icon: input-keyboard
[CHG] Device 88:0F:10:87:00:F1 RSSI: -87

在此输出中,键盘的 MAC 地址为:34:88:5D:EF:19:51。复制它!然后停止扫描:

[MX Vertical]# scan off
[CHG] Device 88:0F:10:87:00:F1 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Controller DC:53:60:0E:0A:C8 Discovering: no
Discovery stopped


[MX Vertical]# trust 34:88:5D:EF:19:51
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 Trusted: yes
Changing 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 trust succeeded

并将其配对。现在,必须在键盘中输入终端中显示的密钥(在本例中为 300892),然后Enter按 a。它看起来像这样:

[MX Vertical]# pair 34:88:5D:EF:19:51
Attempting to pair with 34:88:5D:EF:19:51
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 Connected: yes
[agent] Passkey: 300892
[agent] Passkey:  00892
[agent] Passkey:   0892
[agent] Passkey:    892
[agent] Passkey:     92
[agent] Passkey:      2
[agent] Passkey:         


[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 Modalias: usb:v046DpB342d4201
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 UUIDs: 00001000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 UUIDs: 00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 Connected: no
[MX Vertical]# connect 34:88:5D:EF:19:51
Attempting to connect to 34:88:5D:EF:19:51
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 Connected: yes
Connection successful
[CHG] Device 34:88:5D:EF:19:51 ServicesResolved: yes

