

假设我想在我的 CentOS 服务器中安装一个软件包。我想要安装的软件包是 MariaDB 或 Redis,或任何其他第 3 方软件包。

有没有办法在 CentOS 官方存储库中找到它?我发现官方存储库是http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7 (如果我错了,请纠正我)

另外,除此之外,是否有 yum 命令可以帮助我获取该信息?



$ yum search mariadb
======================================================= N/S matched: mariadb =======================================================
mariadb-bench.x86_64 : MariaDB benchmark scripts and data
mariadb-devel.i686 : Files for development of MariaDB/MySQL applications
mariadb-devel.x86_64 : Files for development of MariaDB/MySQL applications
mariadb-embedded.i686 : MariaDB as an embeddable library
mariadb-embedded.x86_64 : MariaDB as an embeddable library
mariadb-embedded-devel.i686 : Development files for MariaDB as an embeddable library
mariadb-embedded-devel.x86_64 : Development files for MariaDB as an embeddable library
mariadb-libs.i686 : The shared libraries required for MariaDB/MySQL clients
mariadb-libs.x86_64 : The shared libraries required for MariaDB/MySQL clients
mariadb-server.x86_64 : The MariaDB server and related files
mariadb.x86_64 : A community developed branch of MySQL
mariadb-test.x86_64 : The test suite distributed with MariaD

$ yum info mariadb
Available Packages
Name        : mariadb
Arch        : x86_64
Epoch       : 1
Version     : 5.5.65
Release     : 1.el7
Size        : 8.7 M
Repo        : base/7/x86_64
Summary     : A community developed branch of MySQL
URL         : http://mariadb.org
License     : GPLv2 with exceptions and LGPLv2 and BSD
Description : MariaDB is a community developed branch of MySQL.
            : MariaDB is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server.
            : It is a client/server implementation consisting of a server daemon (mysqld)
            : and many different client programs and libraries. The base package
            : contains the standard MariaDB/MySQL client programs and generic MySQL files.

您还可以使用yum list来获取可用版本和提供它们的存储库的简要摘要。

Redis 在 CentOS 官方存储库中不可用,但在 EPEL 中可用:

$ sudo yum install -y epel-release

$ yum info redis
Available Packages
Name        : redis
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 3.2.12
Release     : 2.el7
Size        : 544 k
Repo        : epel/x86_64
Summary     : A persistent key-value database
URL         : http://redis.io
License     : BSD
Description : Redis is an advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data
            : structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and
            : sorted sets.

某些软件包的新版本的一个很好的来源是软件合集;例如玛丽亚数据库 10.3在那里可用。



期限支持的还取决于存储库,但我们假设这里有一个共同的理解。那么你安装的所有东西都yum install _package_应该被认为是最新的、受软件包维护者支持和推荐的。


这里所说的所有内容或多或少适用于任何包管理器,而不是 CentOS 所独有的。
