我正在使用 debian 10 ... slack 桌面 Production 4.9.1 64 位
[09/30/20, 16:41:14:528] info: [SCREENS] (T359LF935) Available screens:
-- | ----- | ------ | - | --- | ----------- | --------
id | width | height | x | y | scaleFactor | rotation
-- | ----- | ------ | - | --- | ----------- | --------
33 | 1920 | 1080 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0
35 | 960 | 539 | 0 | 252 | 2 | 0
[09/30/20, 16:41:14:598] error: SCREENS (T359LF935) Could not find matching display for
screen 0 with id
[09/30/20, 16:41:14:604] error: SCREENS (T359LF935) Could not find matching display for screen 1 with id