Is there any feasible way to install a kernel-devel version that not in base repo anymore?

Is there any feasible way to install a kernel-devel version that not in base repo anymore?

I have a server running CentOS 7.3.1611, kernel 3.10.0-514. Now when installing kernel-devel, the version in repo is 3.10.0-1160 which differ from kernel version. I know that I can get exact kernel-devel rpm, but the dependency is too complicated.

I would like to ask is there any feasible way to install specific kernel-devel version along with all the dependencies? (I do not want to upgrade current kernel).


All the packages that were ever released by CentOS can be found in an archive on You can just point yum to the package(s) you want. For example:

yum install

If you need yum to automatically pull in archived dependencies of some package, you can just enable the Vault repo for that particular transaction:

yum --enablerepo='C7.3.1611-updates' install kernel-devel-3.10.0-514.26.2

You can find the names of all vault repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Vault.repo.


If you have the kernel-devel RPM you want, you should be able to install it using yum - for example:

# yum install kernel-devel-3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64.rpm

yum will resolve the dependencies for you (assuming it is possible to do so from the repos that are configured on your system), and will install them along with the RPM.
