How do Wine and Winetricks work and how does it differ from Proton?

How do Wine and Winetricks work and how does it differ from Proton?

所以,我以前用过 Wine,也用过阀门质子以及。我知道 Wine 和 Proton 试图将程序的基于 Windows 的内部逻辑转换为与 Linux 兼容的东西,但我不清楚为什么 Proton 在复杂游戏方面比 Wine 在大多数程序方面取得了更大的成功。

多亏了像 Winetricks 这样的东西,我已经成功安装了足够的依赖项来成功运行 Adob​​e Photoshop 等程序,但为什么 Proton 游戏不需要这个呢?

Or is it a more simply related to the fact that Valve already knows the programs the games need to run and they make sure to install them as you install the game?

Another thing that stumps me is how much progress Proton has made in such little time, but it's still difficult to find information on how to run many programs on Wine, with or without Winetricks.

Is there a way to know what I should install that a program I want to run might need? Or is it just blind luck?


Or is it a more simply related to the fact that Valve already knows the programs the games need to run and they make sure to install them as you install the game?

Proton is Wine neatly packaged with DXVK with built-in workarounds/tricks for games.

Another thing that stumps me is how much progress Proton has made in such little time, but it's still difficult to find information on how to run many programs on Wine, with or without Winetricks.

Mostly thanks to DXVK which translates D3D calls to Vulkan. Wine has its own D3D11 implementation which works via translating D3D calls to OpenGL which is a lot more complicated and slower.

Implementing Direct3D 11 via Vulkan is a lot more straightforward process as it's very low-level.

Is there a way to know what I should install that a program I want to run might need? Or is it just blind luck?

Are you talking about Wine? Consult with


Proton is based on Wine so both basically work the same way. Proton is more focused on gaming and contain things like DXVK (Vulkan based implementation of Direct 3D).

Is there a way to know what I should install that a program I want to run might need?

There is no simple solution. You can use ProtonDB for Proton and Wine AppDB for Wine and search for the app you are trying to install. but there is no universal rule to what install.

There are also "helper" programs for running games on Linux using Wine like Lutris or PlayOnLinux that can do a lot of configuration automatically without running winetricks manually.
