我有一个别名rm='rm -irv'
,我想删除一堆文件和/或目录,但我只想要 1 条确认消息,例如rm: descend into directory 'myfolder'?
我不介意确认每个目录,但不介意确认每个目录中的每个文件。rm *
或 的zsh 功能rm something/*
运行良好,但有时我只是删除文件rm *.txt
或单个文件rm document.txt
,但我仍然希望至少有 1 个确认。
这个解决方案 非常接近我正在寻找的东西,但并不适用于所有情况。假设目录“myfolder”包含 100 个文件,那么我想要如下所示的文件:
~ > ls -F
myfolder/ empty.txt file.txt main.c
~ > rm *
zsh: sure you want to delete all 4 files in /home/user [yn]? n
~ > rm myfolder
rm: descend into directory 'myfolder'? y
removed 'file1.txt'
removed 'file2.txt'
removed 'file100.txt'
removed directory 'myfolder'
~ > rm main.c
rm: remove regular file 'main.c'? y
removed 'main.c'
~> rm *.txt
rm: remove all '*.txt' files? y
removed 'empty.txt'
removed 'file.txt'
# Disable the default prompt that says
# 'zsh: sure you want to delete all 4 files in /home/user [yn]?'
setopt rmstarsilent
# For portability, use the `zf_rm` builtin instead of any external `rm` command.
zmodload -Fa zsh/files b:zf_rm
rm() {
# For portability, reset all options (in this function only).
emulate -L zsh
# Divide the files into dirs and other files.
# $^ treats the array as a brace expansion.
# (N) eliminates non-existing matches.
# (-/) matches dirs, incl. symlinks pointing to dirs.
# (-^/) matches everything else.
# (T) appends file type markers to the file names.
local -a dirs=( $^@(TN-/) ) files=( $^@(TN-^/) )
# Tell the user how many dirs and files would be deleted.
print "Sure you want to delete these $#dirs dirs and $#files files in $PWD?"
# List the files in columns à la `ls`, dirs first.
print -c - $dirs $files
# Prompt the user to confirm.
# If `y`, delete the files.
# -f skips any confirmation.
# -r recurses into directories.
# -s makes sure we don't accidentally the whole thing.
# If this succeeds, print a confirmation.
read -q "?[yn] " &&
zf_rm -frs - $@ &&
print -l '' "$#dirs dirs and $#files files deleted from $PWD."
有关 的更多信息zf_rm
有关 glob 限定符的更多信息(TN-^/)