如何使用 snap 安装和运行 Gimp

如何使用 snap 安装和运行 Gimp


  1. 询问用户是否安装了snap。如果没有运行安装快照并退出的脚本,如果是则继续。
  2. 安装 gimp,然后显示一条消息,指示 gimp 安装已完成。
  3. 询问用户是否要运行 gimp。如果是,则运行 gimp,如果没有退出脚本。




#!/usr/bin/env sh

# Exit early if any command fails
set -e

installSnap() {
    # Assumption: This script is run only on Debian-based Linux distributions
    echo 'snap not installed, installing snap...'
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install snapd
    echo 'snap installed. Log out and back in again before using snap.'

# If snap is not installed, install snap and exit
command -v snap || { installSnap && echo 'Exiting install script.' && exit 0; }

# Install GIMP
echo 'Installing GIMP...'
snap install gimp
echo 'GIMP installed.'

# Prompt user for input, and store input in answer
printf 'Would you like to run GIMP (y/n)? '
read -r answer

# If answer begins with 'Y' or 'y', start gimp
# Run gimp in background with nohup so gimp will continue running after
# this script terminates
# We likely aren't interested in gimp's output, so redirect it to /dev/null
[ "$answer" != "${answer#[Yy]}" ] && nohup gimp > /dev/null 2>&1 &
