我正在尝试编写一个 shell 脚本来重现我在使用 Mercurial 的搁置扩展时遇到的情况。
这需要中断 Mercurial 命令行用户界面 (UI) 提供的提示。请参阅以下脚本
rm -rf test-shelveinterrupt
hg init test-shelveinterrupt
cd test-shelveinterrupt
hg branch foo
echo "First line of foo" >> foo
hg add foo
hg ci -m "First line of foo" foo
echo "Second line of foo" >> foo
hg shelve
hg up null
hg branch bar
echo "First line of bar" >> bar
hg add bar
hg ci -m "First line of bar" bar
hg unshelve
pkill -INT shelveinterrupt
bash shelveinterrupt.sh
file 'foo' was deleted in local [working-copy] but was modified in other [shelve].
You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
What do you want to do?
hg unshelve
旨在中断 shell 进程,但当然在脚本等待输入时不会调用它。有没有办法在不创建第二个脚本来调用第一个脚本的情况下调用它?
事实证明我想做的事情可以通过 Tcl 扩展来完成,期待。然而,这需要两个脚本。
一个 shell 脚本。
rm -rf test-shelveinterrupt
hg init test-shelveinterrupt
cd test-shelveinterrupt
hg branch foo
echo "First line of foo" >> foo
hg add foo
hg ci -m "First line of foo" foo
echo "Second line of foo" >> foo
hg shelve
hg up null
hg branch bar
echo "First line of bar" >> bar
hg add bar
hg ci -m "First line of bar" bar
hg log -vG
hg branch
hg unshelve
还有一个 Expect 脚本。
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ./shelveinterrupt.sh
expect "What do you want to do?"
send -- "^C"
expect eof
# Check `hg status
cd test-shelveinterrupt
set hgst [exec hg status]
puts $hgst
exec hg update .
faheem@orwell:~/test-mercurial$ ./shelveinterrupt.exp
spawn ./shelveinterrupt.sh
marked working directory as branch foo
(branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)
shelved as foo
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
marked working directory as branch bar
unshelving change 'foo'
rebasing shelved changes
file 'foo' was deleted in local [working-copy] but was modified in other [shelve].
You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
What do you want to do? interrupted!
# The repository is in an unfinished *update* state.
# Unresolved merge conflicts:
# foo
# To mark files as resolved: hg resolve --mark FILE
# To continue: hg update .
abort: outstanding merge conflicts
(use 'hg resolve' to resolve)
while executing
"exec hg update ."
(file "./shelveinterrupt.exp" line 11)
所以hg update .