GNU Screen Bindkey 命令可用于输入按键吗?

GNU Screen Bindkey 命令可用于输入按键吗?

我想在 GNU Screen 中创建一个自定义键绑定,当按下某个键(例如F1)时,相当于先按Enter然后再按 Screennext命令。



是的,您可以使用stuffscreen 命令。从手册页screen

   stuff [string]

   Stuff  the string string in the input buffer of the current window.  This is
   like the "paste" command but with much less overhead.  Without  a  paramter,
   screen  will  prompt  for a string to stuff.  You cannot paste large buffers
   with the "stuff" command. It is most  useful  for  key  bindings.  See  also


           bindkey -k k1 select 1
   Make the "F1" key switch to window one.

           bindkey -t foo stuff barfoo
   Make  "foo"  an  abbreviation  of the word "barfoo". Timeout is disabled so that
   users can type slowly.


bindkey -k k1 stuff "\n"
