如何解决 nagios check_nrpe 问题?

如何解决 nagios check_nrpe 问题?


在 Nagios 服务器 (CentOS 7) 上

yum install nagios nagios-plugins-all

达到目标(CentOS 7)

yum install nrpe nagios-plugins-all


systemctl enable nrpe && systemctl start nrpe

现在我尝试使用 check_nrpe 添加服务检查,因此我定义了主机、联系人、联系人组,然后定义了 check_nrpe 命令

nano /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg

define command{
    command_name check_nrpe
    command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$


nano /etc/nagios/objects/services.cfg

define service {
        use                             basic-new-service
        name                            check-load-service
        normal_check_interval           3
        retry_check_interval            1
        notification_interval       30
        notification_options            w,c,r,u
        check_command                   check_nrpe!check_load
        register                        0

define service {
        use                             check-load-service
        service_description             SYS_HostLoad
        contact_groups                  Audit
    host_name                   TGT


systemctl enable nagios && systemctl start nagios

我可以验证 check_nrpe 直接从 CLI 返回 Ok 状态

# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H TGT -c check_load
OK - load average per CPU: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01|load1=0.000;0.150;0.300;0; load5=0.002;0.100;0.250;0; load15=0.008;0.050;0.200;0;

但在仪表板 check_nrpe 检查由于权限而无法成功。 (我已经为nagios:nagios和 都/etc/nagios设置了/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins)它在仪表板上针对此检查显示此错误

(Return code of 13 for service 'SYS_HostLoad' on host 'TGT' was out of bounds)
