libvpx 和 python-sqlalchemy 在运行“yay -Syyu”时导致错误

libvpx 和 python-sqlalchemy 在运行“yay -Syyu”时导致错误

我的电脑运行 Arch Linux。我已经yay安装了。

最近,当我运行时,yay -Syyu系统提示我以下消息,以下是我给出的回复。结果基本相同,冲突的包阻止升级运行。


:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace qwtpolar with extra/qwt? [Y/n] Y
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: removing 'python-sqlalchemy' from target list because it conflicts with 'python-sqlalchemy1.3'
:: python-sqlalchemy1.3 and python-sqlalchemy are in conflict. Remove python-sqlalchemy? [y/N] y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing libvpx (1.11.0-1) breaks dependency '' required by ffmpeg-compat-57
 -> error installing repo packages

 :: Starting full system upgrade...
 :: Replace qwtpolar with extra/qwt? [Y/n] n
 resolving dependencies...
 looking for conflicting packages...
 warning: removing 'python-sqlalchemy' from target list because it conflicts with 'python-sqlalchemy1.3'
 :: python-sqlalchemy1.3 and python-sqlalchemy are in conflict. Remove python-sqlalchemy? [y/N] y
 error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
 :: installing libvpx (1.11.0-1) breaks dependency '' required by ffmpeg-compat-57
  -> error installing repo packages

:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace qwtpolar with extra/qwt? [Y/n] Y
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: removing 'python-sqlalchemy' from target list because it conflicts with 'python-sqlalchemy1.3'
:: python-sqlalchemy1.3 and python-sqlalchemy are in conflict. Remove python-sqlalchemy? [y/N] N
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: python-sqlalchemy1.3 and python-sqlalchemy are in conflict
 -> error installing repo packages

:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace qwtpolar with extra/qwt? [Y/n] n
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: removing 'python-sqlalchemy' from target list because it conflicts with 'python-sqlalchemy1.3'
:: python-sqlalchemy1.3 and python-sqlalchemy are in conflict. Remove python-sqlalchemy? [y/N] N
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: python-sqlalchemy1.3 and python-sqlalchemy are in conflict
 -> error installing repo packages


您有 3 个独立的问题。

您应该对第一个提示回答“y”,并将 qwtpol 替换为 extra/qwt。

下一个问题是包 python-sqlalchemy1.3。手动卸载它,如果某些软件包需要它作为依赖项,也将其卸载并在更新后重新安装。

最后一个问题似乎是 libvpx 包,由于 ffmpeg-compat-57 需要特定版本的 libvpx,因此无法更新该包。

我在 Arch Linux AUR 上搜索了 ffmpeg-compat-57,我看到了这(飓风普蒂斯的第二条评论)人们提到的解决方案是:

我能够通过卸载 ffmpeg-compat-57、更新 ffmpeg,然后重建 ffmpeg-compat-57 来解决我的问题。


  1. 卸载 ffmpeg-compat-57 (如果是依赖项,请同时删除需要它的程序。)

  2. 运行yay -S ffmpeg以更新 ffmpeg。

  3. 重新安装 ffmpeg-compat-57 或需要它作为依赖项的程序。

  4. 卸载python-sqlalchemy1.3(如果是依赖项,则也删除需要它的程序。)

  5. 使用 开始更新yay -Syu,无需强制刷新所有镜像,pacman 会检测哪些需要更新。

  6. 在有关用 extra/qwt 替换 qwtpol 的提示中回答“y”。

  7. 继续更新。

  8. 重新安装 python-sqlalchemy1.3 或需要它作为依赖项的程序。
