Wifi 不再工作,无法启动 dhcpcd@wlan0

Wifi 不再工作,无法启动 dhcpcd@wlan0

在我的 archlinux 安装的最后一次更新之后,wifi 不再工作。我检查更新的包和包国际妇女节已更新。

当我尝试使用 wifi 连接到调制解调器时iwctl,输入密码后收到“操作失败”消息。

我检查 NetworkManager.service 是否已停止并禁用。

当我运行时ip addr,我看到我的 wlan0 接口上没有 IP 地址。


systemctl status wpa_supplicant.service显示处于活动状态

systemctl status dhcpcd.service积极的

systemctl status iwd.serviceACTIVE,有一些错误消息

systemctl status dhcpcd@wlan0失败的

当我运行时sudo systemctl start dhcpcd@wlan0,我收到此错误消息:

Job for [email protected] failed because the service did not take the steps required by its unit configuration. See "systemctl status [email protected]" and "journalctl -xeu [email protected]" for details.


编辑 :

这是输出systemctl status iwd.service

● iwd.service - Wireless service
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/iwd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-02-10 22:34:21 CET; 5min ago
   Main PID: 336 (iwd)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 6926)
     Memory: 2.6M
        CPU: 200ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/iwd.service
             └─336 /usr/lib/iwd/iwd

Feb 10 22:34:21 archlinux iwd[336]: Could not register frame watch type 00d0: -95
Feb 10 22:34:22 archlinux iwd[336]: Could not register frame watch type 00d0: -95
Feb 10 22:34:22 archlinux iwd[336]: Could not register frame watch type 00d0: -95
Feb 10 22:34:22 archlinux iwd[336]: Could not register frame watch type 00d0: -95
Feb 10 22:34:22 archlinux iwd[336]: Could not register frame watch type 00d0: -95
Feb 10 22:34:22 archlinux iwd[336]: Could not register frame watch type 00d0: -95
Feb 10 22:34:23 archlinux iwd[336]: CMD_SET_CQM failed: Operation not supported
Feb 10 22:34:28 archlinux iwd[336]: 4-Way handshake failed for ifindex: 3, reason: 15
Feb 10 22:35:42 archlinux iwd[336]: CMD_SET_CQM failed: Operation not supported
Feb 10 22:35:47 archlinux iwd[336]: 4-Way handshake failed for ifindex: 3, reason: 15


也可能与此有关,在运行时pacman -Syu,我收到一堆类型的警告Possibly missing firmware for module:。但b43笔记本电脑无线卡使用的 Broadcom 固件不属于其中。我认为。我不知道如何重新出现这些警告。
