如何使用 visudo 删除重新启动、停止和关闭权限?

如何使用 visudo 删除重新启动、停止和关闭权限?

我正在尝试剥夺用户 Rick 的重新启动权限。我已经尝试过!NOEXEC。还有其他方法可以做到这一点吗?

Rick   ALL = (ALL)  !/sbin/reboot
Rick   ALL = NOEXEC: /sbin/reboot


你不能。实际上不可能创建“负 sudo”来为用户分配运行除某些命令之外的任何命令的权限。这是因为用户可以轻松绕过这些限制,例如

  • 通过将被拒绝的命令插入 shell 脚本并运行它
  • 通过将拒绝的命令复制到不同的名称
  • 通过运行类似的命令(在您的情况下init 6telinit 6shutdown -r nowsystemctl isolate reboot.target都将执行重新启动并且不会拒绝命令)
  • 通过运行被拒绝的命令exec
  • 通过从文本编辑器或其他程序中转义 shell
  • 或者简单地通过切换到 root 用户su


   Limitations of the ‘!’ operator
     It is generally not effective to “subtract” commands from ALL 
     using the ‘!’ operator.  A user can trivially circumvent this by copy-
     ing the desired command to a different name and then executing that.  
     For example:

     bill    ALL = ALL, !SU, !SHELLS

     Doesn’t really prevent bill from running the commands listed in SU
     or SHELLS since he can simply copy those commands to a different
     name, or use a shell escape from an editor or other program.  
     Therefore, these kind of restrictions should be considered advisory at
     best (and reinforced by policy).

     In general, if a user has sudo ALL there is nothing to prevent 
     them from creating their own program that gives them a root shell (or
     making their own copy of a shell) regardless of any ‘!’ elements 
     in the user specification.


NOEXEC只是禁用 shell 转义,并不能防止所有其他规避方法。
