与“strace -e file”选项等效的文件函数的完整列表是什么?

与“strace -e file”选项等效的文件函数的完整列表是什么?

根据man strace选项-e file跟踪所有以文件名作为参数的系统调用。全套是什么?

          file   Trace all system calls which take a file name as an
                 argument.  You can think of this as an abbreviation
                 for -e trace=open,stat,chmod,unlink,...  which is
                 useful to seeing what files the process is
                 referencing.  Furthermore, using the abbreviation
                 will ensure that you don't accidentally forget to
                 include a call like lstat(2) in the list.  Betchya
                 woulda forgot that one.  The syntax without a
                 preceding percent sign ("-e trace=file") is

有一些网页带有列出系统调用的表格,例如ChromiumOS 文档 - Linux 系统调用表,几种架构的系统调用表,以及例如的源代码strace syscallsent.h文件strace syscallsent.h

上面有一些明显的函数syscallent.h比如etc,参数名里read,write, open, close, stat, fstat好像都有TDand 。TF它们是否包含所有以文件名作为参数的函数,或者是否有其他函数没有这些参数?
