gpg-agent 缓存密码的安全问题?

gpg-agent 缓存密码的安全问题?

当使用 GnuPG (gpg) 作为 PGP 方案时,我们建议使用名为 gpg-agent 的程序来输入和缓存密码。

实际上,gpg-agent 不缓存密码而是私钥。另一方面,从用户的角度来看,这种技术差异是不可见的。

--默认缓存-ttl n

Set the time a cache entry is valid to n seconds. The default is 600 seconds. Each time a cache entry is accessed, the entry’s timer is reset. To set an entry’s maximum lifetime, use max-cache-ttl. Note that a cached passphrase may not be evicted immediately from memory if no client requests a cache operation. This is due to an internal housekeeping function which is only run every few seconds.

--最大缓存 ttl n

Set the maximum time a cache entry is valid to n seconds. After this time a cache entry will be expired even if it has been accessed recently or has been set using gpg-preset-passphrase. The default is 2 hours (7200 seconds).

由于私钥在RAM中存在10分钟(600秒)甚至长达2小时,这会带来安全问题吗?如果 GPG 有这些默认值,GPG 是否有任何措施来保护私钥(例如加密)?

除了RAM数据被提取的风险之外,还存在巨大的风险邪恶女仆袭击,而缩短或禁用缓存似乎并不容易。 (请参阅另一个问题对这个。)
