无法使用 nix 运行 alacritty

无法使用 nix 运行 alacritty
    Error: Error creating GL context; Received multiple errors:
    Could not create EGL display object
    `glXQueryExtensionsString` found no glX extensions

Error: "Event loop terminated with code: 1"

使用 nix 包管理器运行 debian stable 并安装 alacritty

一些用户建议使用这个 -https://github.com/guibou/nixGL。但我收到这个错误

  nix-channel --add https://github.com/guibou/nixGL/archive/main.tar.gz nixgl && nix-channel --update
warning: unable to download 'https://cache.nixos.org/v5djb4jw3hg4brdbidqaspin8n8isyq6.narinfo': SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK (60); retrying in 259 ms
these derivations will be built:
building '/nix/store/gm6gq44ivdqgmrsvlsr08d2nqjircgds-nixgl.drv'...
while setting up the build environment: executing '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
builder for '/nix/store/gm6gq44ivdqgmrsvlsr08d2nqjircgds-nixgl.drv' failed with exit code 1
error: build of '/nix/store/gm6gq44ivdqgmrsvlsr08d2nqjircgds-nixgl.drv' failed
error: program '/usr/bin/nix-build' failed with exit code 100


尝试为 nix 操作系统安装 opengl 驱动程序 https://github.com/nix-community/nixGL来自这个仓库。一旦成功尝试再次安装pkg。解决方法 - git 克隆 alacritty 存储库并cargo build --release在 nix shell 内应该在 nix shell 内成功构建 alacritty
