Chrome 无法通过虚拟化安装在 kali Linux 上

Chrome 无法通过虚拟化安装在 kali Linux 上

我有一台 M1 MacBook,并使用 UTM 虚拟化安装了 Kali。使用命令安装 Chrome 时:sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb,我收到此错误:

 google-chrome-stable:amd64 : Depends: libasound2:amd64 (>= 1.0.17) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libatk-bridge2.0-0:amd64 (>= 2.5.3) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libatk1.0-0:amd64 (>= 2.2.0) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libatspi2.0-0:amd64 (>= 2.9.90) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libc6:amd64 (>= 2.17) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libcairo2:amd64 (>= 1.6.0) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libcups2:amd64 (>= 1.6.0) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libcurl3-gnutls:amd64 but it is not installable or
                                       libcurl3-nss:amd64 but it is not installable or
                                       libcurl4:amd64 but it is not installable or
                                       libcurl3:amd64 but it is not installable
                              Depends: libdbus-1-3:amd64 (>= 1.9.14) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libdrm2:amd64 (>= 2.4.75) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libexpat1:amd64 (>= 2.0.1) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libgbm1:amd64 (>= 17.1.0~rc2) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libglib2.0-0:amd64 (>= 2.39.4) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libgtk-3-0:amd64 (>= 3.9.10) but it is not installable or
                                       libgtk-4-1:amd64 but it is not installable
                              Depends: libnspr4:amd64 (>= 2:4.9-2~) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libnss3:amd64 (>= 2:3.26) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libpango-1.0-0:amd64 (>= 1.14.0) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libvulkan1:amd64 but it is not installable
                              Depends: libx11-6:amd64 (>= 2: but it is not installable
                              Depends: libxcb1:amd64 (>= 1.9.2) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libxcomposite1:amd64 (>= 1:0.4.4-1) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libxdamage1:amd64 (>= 1:1.1) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libxext6:amd64 but it is not installable
                              Depends: libxfixes3:amd64 but it is not installable
                              Depends: libxkbcommon0:amd64 (>= 0.5.0) but it is not installable
                              Depends: libxrandr2:amd64 but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.




问题是你是一个 Linux 初学者,而 Kali 确实不适合新手。它不是桌面操作系统,而是安全专业人员的工具箱。修复损坏的依赖关系是一项基本技能,用户应该具备这一技能。

在不破坏 Kali 的情况下,用通常的方法甚至无法修复这个问题vulkan自 2019 年起不再属于 Kali。 A很多卡利的东西都是这样“损坏”的故意你一定会遇到类似的问题。

我建议您安装常规的 Debian 来学习基础知识,然后添加您感兴趣的工具。Kali 有 600 多个工具,但没有人使用它们。它们没什么特别的,但适用于任何发行版;在 Debian 中只需sudo apt install.

如果您确实想专门继续使用 Kali,您应该通读Kali 文档所以你知道你正在处理什么。


当基于 debian 的系统上的任何安装包缺少受支持的包时,非常简单的命令,Kali 也是基于 debian 的使用

$ sudo apt --fix-broken install
