我正在使用 Linux Mint 21.1,并且最近安装了 mpv。当我运行mpv
后跟 YouTube 网址时,我得到以下几行:
[ytdl_hook] ERROR: Unable to extract updater id: please report this issue on https://yt-dl.org/bug. Make sure you are using the latest version...
[ytdl_hook] youtube-dl failed: unexpected error occurred
[ytdl_hook] It appears that your youtube-dl version is severely out of date
Failed to recognize title format
问题似乎是我的 youtube-dl 已过时,但当我命令时,youtube-dl --update
我得到了youtube-dl is up-to-date (2021.12.17)
这个项目最近没有维护,确实已经过时了。请升级到/替换为 yt-dlp。