如何检查我的 wine 前缀上安装了哪些动词?
我只想列出已安装的。例如,在 apt 包管理器上,我可以键入apt list --installed
与 Linux 和类似系统上的大多数其他程序一样,--help
$ winetricks --help | grep verbs
Executes given verbs. Each verb installs an application or changes a setting.
--verify Run (automated) GUI tests for verbs, if available
list-all list all categories and their verbs
apps list list verbs in category 'applications'
benchmarks list list verbs in category 'benchmarks'
dlls list list verbs in category 'dlls'
fonts list list verbs in category 'fonts'
games list list verbs in category 'games'
settings list list verbs in category 'settings'
list-cached list cached-and-ready-to-install verbs
list-download list verbs which download automatically
list-manual-download list verbs which download with some help from the user
list-installed list already-installed verbs
如您所见,选项之一是“ list all categories and their verbs
winetricks list-all
还有很多其他以 开头的内容list al…
winetricks list-installed