


debian@debian:~$ ps aux |grep vl[c]
debian     14482  0.1  2.2 2882968 136428 ?      Sl   10:19   0:02 vlc -I telnet --telnet-host --telnet-port 4212 --telnet-password admin
debian     15174  0.2  2.4 2881576 145368 ?      Ssl  10:32   0:03 vlc -d -I telnet --telnet-host --telnet-port 4212 --telnet-password admin
debian     15641  0.3  2.4 2896668 146380 ?      SLsl 10:42   0:01 vlc -d -I telnet --telnet-host --telnet-port 4212 --telnet-password admin


debian@debian:~$ sudo kill 14482
debian@debian:~$ sudo kill 15174
debian@debian:~$ sudo kill 15641


debian@debian:~$ ps aux |grep vl[c]
debian     14482  0.1  2.2 2882968 136428 ?      Sl   10:19   0:02 vlc -I telnet --telnet-host --telnet-port 4212 --telnet-password admin
debian     15174  0.2  2.4 2881576 145368 ?      Ssl  10:32   0:03 vlc -d -I telnet --telnet-host --telnet-port 4212 --telnet-password admin
debian     15641  0.3  2.4 2896668 146380 ?      SLsl 10:42   0:01 vlc -d -I telnet --telnet-host --telnet-port 4212 --telnet-password admin



查看man kill

KILL(1)                         User Commands                        KILL(1)

       kill - send a signal to a process

       kill [options] <pid> [...]

       The  default signal for kill is TERM.  Use -l or -L to list available
       signals.  Particularly useful signals include HUP, INT,  KILL,  STOP,
       CONT,  and  0.  Alternate signals may be specified in three ways: -9,
       -SIGKILL or -KILL.  Negative PID values may be used to  choose  whole
       process  groups;  see the PGID column in ps command output.  A PID of
       -1 is special; it indicates all processes except the kill process it‐
       self and init.


默认信号是SIGTERM。根据man signal.7SIGTERM是可捕获的。这意味着,程序收到停止请求,然后程序有机会对此执行某些操作。如果是数据库,也许在停止之前会保存。


您还可以尝试发送其他信号。 SIGINT(2) 与您在终端中使用 CTRL+C 时发送的内容相同。常见的一种SIGKILL(9)可能就是您想要的。 SIGKILL是少数不会传播到进程的信号之一。相反,它是向内核发出的信号,要求其终止进程。在这种情况下,进程是否被编码为handle并不重要SIGTERM,它会被内核停止而不被通知。缺点是如果它需要保存其工作,或通知同级它正在关闭,它就没有机会。用法是这样的:

$ sudo kill -9 14482
$ sudo kill -KILL 94471

man signal.7有更多详细信息。如果您的机器与我的机器不同,请使用您机器上的手册页作为参考。

   Standard signals
       Linux supports the standard signals listed below.  The second  column
       of  the table indicates which standard (if any) specified the signal:
       "P1990" indicates that  the  signal  is  described  in  the  original
       POSIX.1-1990 standard; "P2001" indicates that the signal was added in
       SUSv2 and POSIX.1-2001.

       Signal      Standard   Action   Comment
       SIGABRT      P1990      Core    Abort signal from abort(3)
       SIGALRM      P1990      Term    Timer signal from alarm(2)
       SIGBUS       P2001      Core    Bus error (bad memory access)
       SIGCHLD      P1990      Ign     Child stopped or terminated
       SIGCLD         -        Ign     A synonym for SIGCHLD
       SIGCONT      P1990      Cont    Continue if stopped
       SIGEMT         -        Term    Emulator trap
       SIGFPE       P1990      Core    Floating-point exception
       SIGHUP       P1990      Term    Hangup detected on controlling terminal
                                       or death of controlling process
       SIGILL       P1990      Core    Illegal Instruction
       SIGINFO        -                A synonym for SIGPWR
       SIGINT       P1990      Term    Interrupt from keyboard
       SIGIO          -        Term    I/O now possible (4.2BSD)
       SIGIOT         -        Core    IOT trap. A synonym for SIGABRT
       SIGKILL      P1990      Term    Kill signal
       SIGLOST        -        Term    File lock lost (unused)
       SIGPIPE      P1990      Term    Broken pipe: write to pipe with no

                                       readers; see pipe(7)
       SIGPOLL      P2001      Term    Pollable event (Sys V);
                                       synonym for SIGIO
       SIGPROF      P2001      Term    Profiling timer expired
       SIGPWR         -        Term    Power failure (System V)
       SIGQUIT      P1990      Core    Quit from keyboard
       SIGSEGV      P1990      Core    Invalid memory reference
       SIGSTKFLT      -        Term    Stack fault on coprocessor (unused)
       SIGSTOP      P1990      Stop    Stop process
       SIGTSTP      P1990      Stop    Stop typed at terminal
       SIGSYS       P2001      Core    Bad system call (SVr4);
                                       see also seccomp(2)
       SIGTERM      P1990      Term    Termination signal
       SIGTRAP      P2001      Core    Trace/breakpoint trap
       SIGTTIN      P1990      Stop    Terminal input for background process
       SIGTTOU      P1990      Stop    Terminal output for background process
       SIGUNUSED      -        Core    Synonymous with SIGSYS
       SIGURG       P2001      Ign     Urgent condition on socket (4.2BSD)
       SIGUSR1      P1990      Term    User-defined signal 1
       SIGUSR2      P1990      Term    User-defined signal 2
       SIGVTALRM    P2001      Term    Virtual alarm clock (4.2BSD)
       SIGXCPU      P2001      Core    CPU time limit exceeded (4.2BSD);
                                       see setrlimit(2)
       SIGXFSZ      P2001      Core    File size limit exceeded (4.2BSD);
                                       see setrlimit(2)
       SIGWINCH       -        Ign     Window resize signal (4.3BSD, Sun)

       The signals SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be  caught,  blocked,  or  ig‐
