/tmp/.X11-unix: 挂载点不存在

/tmp/.X11-unix: 挂载点不存在

我安装了雅典娜操作系统在 WSL 上。我通过 pacman 安装了 Win-KeX。尝试启动 Win-KeX 出现问题。挂载点/tmp/.X11-unix不存在。

kex --win -s

Starting Win-KeX server (Win)
 mount: /tmp/.X11-unix: mount point does not exist.
   dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.

    /tmp/.X11-unix is still read-only
    Win-KeX server (Win) is stopped

Error connecting to the Win-KeX server (Win)
Please try "/usr/sbin/kex start" to start the service
If the server fails to start, please try "/usr/sbin/kex kill" or restart your WSL 2 session and try again

Starting Win-KeX client (Win)

sudo mount -o remount,rw /tmp/.X11-unix

mount: /tmp/.X11-unix: mount point does not exist.
   dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.

sudo umount /tmp/.X11-unix

umount: /tmp/.X11-unix: no mount point specified.

ls -l /tmp/.X11-unix/

lsd: /tmp/.X11-unix/: No such file or directory (os error 2).



ln -s /mnt/wslg/.X11-unix /tmp/.X11-unix

