带有 ActiveX 控件的 Windows 应用程序

带有 ActiveX 控件的 Windows 应用程序

一个利用 Visual Studio 构建的 msflexgrid 的 Windows Winforms 应用程序在 Windows 上正确运行。当使用 wine 在 ubuntu 上运行相同的应用程序时,会出现一系列错误,并且 exe 无法按预期工作。Dotnet 框架已安装使用 winetricks 并使用 wine regsvr32“ocx 文件的路径”命令注册 msflxgrd.ocx。其他不使用 msflexgrid 的 exe 文件按预期运行。有人可以指导有效运行包含 msflexgrid 的 .exe 文件吗?


Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports AxMSFlexGridLib

Public Class Form1
    Inherits Form

    Private versionLabel As New Label()

    Private textBox1 As New TextBox()

    Public Sub New()

        Me.Text = "FlexGrid Example"
        Me.Size = New Size(500, 400)
        AxMSFlexGrid1 = New AxMSFlexGrid()
        AxMSFlexGrid1.Size = New Size(300, 200)
        AxMSFlexGrid1.Location = New Point(50, 150)

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        AxMSFlexGrid1.Rows = 3
        AxMSFlexGrid1.Cols = 3

        ' Populate the MSFlexGrid with data
        AxMSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(0, 0, "Name")
        AxMSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(0, 1, "usn")
        AxMSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(0, 2, "college")

        AxMSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(1, 0, "John")
        AxMSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(1, 1, "123")
        AxMSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(1, 2, "XYZ")

        AxMSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(2, 0, "Adam")
        AxMSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(2, 1, "456")
        AxMSFlexGrid1.set_TextMatrix(2, 2, "PQR")
    End Sub

    Private Sub AxMSFlexGrid1_Enter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AxMSFlexGrid1.Enter

    End Sub

End Class


0024:fixme:mscoree:parse_supported_runtime sku=L".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" not implemented
0024:fixme:mscoree:parse_supported_runtime sku=L".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" not implemented
0024:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
0024:fixme:file:parse_samba_dos_attrib_data Unhandled user.DOSATTRIB extended attribute value.
Generated GUIDs only implemented for interfaces!
Could not load signature of MSFlexGridLib.IMSFlexGrid:get_Font due to: Could not
 load file or assembly 'stdole, Version=7.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyTo
ken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies.
        Native Crash Reporting
Got a UNKNOWN while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.
        Managed Stacktrace:
          at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
          at System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_upgrade_remote_class_wrapper <0x
          at System.Object:__proxy_isinst_wrapper_MSFlexGridLib.IMSFlexGrid <0x0
          at AxMSFlexGridLib.AxMSFlexGrid:AttachInterfaces <0x0006f>
          at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost:GetOcxCreate <0x0004e>
          at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost:TransitionUpTo <0x00137>
          at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost:CreateHandle <0x00047>
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control:CreateControl <0x000b7>
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control:CreateControl <0x00073>
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control:CreateControl <0x001d3>
          at System.Windows.Forms.Control:CreateControl <0x00073>
          at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost:EndInit <0x0005b>
          at WindowsApp37.Form1:InitializeComponent <0x002ca>
          at WindowsApp37.Form1:.ctor <0x0009b>
          at System.Object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ <0x0006a>
          at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
          at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:InternalInvoke <0x00012>
          at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:InternalInvoke <0x0004b>
          at System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceMono <0x00143>
          at System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceSlow <0x0004f>
          at System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceDefaultCtor <0x0005b>
          at System.Activator:CreateInstance <0x0009b>
          at MyForms:Create__Instance__ <0x00177>
          at MyForms:get_Form1 <0x0002b>
          at WindowsApp37.My.MyApplication:OnCreateMainForm <0x0002b>
          at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBa
se:OnRun <0x00045>
          at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBa
se:DoApplicationModel <0x000da>
          at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBa
se:Run <0x000b3>
          at WindowsApp37.My.MyApplication:Main <0x00083>
          at <Module>:runtime_invoke_void_object <0x0006c>
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000008 in 32-bit code (0x1000ea11).
Register dump:
 CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
 EIP:1000ea11 ESP:0050ede4 EBP:0050eea4 EFLAGS:00010206(  R- --  I   - -P- )
 EAX:00000000 EBX:04ae2e84 ECX:0050ed94 EDX:00000000
 ESI:04a88748 EDI:0050eea4
Stack dump:
0x0050ede4:  049e4350 04ae2f44 101c2b50 01019470
0x0050edf4:  04a88748 00000002 0050eea4 04ae2e58
0x0050ee04:  04a838e8 04a838e8 010851f8 01019470
0x0050ee14:  04ae31c8 04ae2e08 00000007 04ae2e0c
0x0050ee24:  000002c4 04ae9340 04a87e64 01019470
0x0050ee34:  01019470 00000002 04ae2de8 0050eea4
=>0 0x1000ea11 in libmono-2.0-x86 (+0xea11) (0x0050eea4)
0x1000ea11 libmono-2.0-x86+0xea11: cmpw $0,0x8(%eax)
Module  Address         Debug info  Name (89 modules)
PE  00370000-0038b000   Deferred        version
PE  00390000-003d6000   Deferred        shcore
PE  00400000-0040a000   Deferred        windowsapp37
PE  00810000-00a23000   Deferred        rpcrt4
PE  015d0000-01654000   Deferred        winex11
PE  01dc0000-01f84000   Deferred        wininet
PE  01f90000-01ff2000   Deferred        msacm32
PE  035c0000-03a3c000   Deferred        mscorlib
PE  03df0000-03e40000   Deferred        microsoft.visualbasic
PE  03e40000-045da000   Deferred        system.windows.forms
PE  045e0000-048a4000   Deferred        system
PE  048b0000-04930000   Deferred        system.drawing
PE  04930000-04956000   Deferred        system.configuration
PE  049a0000-049a8000   Deferred        accessibility
PE  08bd0000-08ce0000   Deferred        system.core
PE  08ce0000-08cf0000   Deferred        axinterop.msflexgridlib
PE  08cf0000-08d04000   Deferred        interop.msflexgridlib
PE  10000000-103ee000   Export          libmono-2.0-x86
PE  20da0000-20ddd000   Deferred        msflxgrd
PE  62240000-6231e000   Deferred        mscoree
PE  62500000-6290a000   Deferred        oleaut32
PE  631c0000-63207000   Deferred        fusion
PE  643c0000-64449000   Deferred        ws2_32
PE  64a80000-64ad8000   Deferred        win32u
PE  65680000-658fc000   Deferred        msvcrt
PE  66080000-66179000   Deferred        shlwapi
PE  66380000-667f8000   Deferred        ole32
PE  67500000-67553000   Deferred        imm32
PE  67bc0000-68043000   Deferred        comctl32
PE  684c0000-6860d000   Deferred        combase
PE  68880000-68d6a000   Deferred        user32
PE  69000000-69266000   Deferred        gdiplus
PE  69840000-6993b000   Deferred        advapi32
PE  6aac0000-6ad9c000   Deferred        ucrtbase
PE  6bbc0000-6bc57000   Deferred        sechost
PE  6c1c0000-6cb92000   Deferred        msxml3
PE  6da80000-6dc9f000   Deferred        gdi32
PE  6e200000-6e246000   Deferred        bcrypt
PE  6f240000-6f3bc000   Deferred        winmm
PE  70000000-70254000   Deferred        dbghelp
PE  70380000-70609000   Deferred        urlmon
PE  70d80000-70e20000   Deferred        uxtheme
PE  712c0000-71314000   Deferred        mpr
PE  71400000-720af000   Deferred        shell32
PE  7b000000-7b52c000   Deferred        kernelbase
PE  7b600000-7b759000   Deferred        kernel32
PE  7bc00000-7bebc000   Deferred        ntdll
ELF 7d000000-7d005000   Deferred        <wine-loader>
ELF 7e537000-7e567000   Deferred        libexpat.so.1
ELF 7e567000-7e5b7000   Deferred        libfontconfig.so.1
ELF 7e5b7000-7e5da000   Deferred        libbrotlicommon.so.1
ELF 7e5da000-7e5e8000   Deferred        libbrotlidec.so.1
ELF 7e5e8000-7e6b5000   Deferred        libfreetype.so.6
ELF 7e6b5000-7e7bd000   Deferred        libm.so.6
ELF 7e7bd000-7e930000   Deferred        win32u.so
ELF 7ee07000-7ee25000   Deferred        libz.so.1
ELF 7ee25000-7ee65000   Deferred        libpng16.so.16
ELF 7ee77000-7f000000   Dwarf           libwine.so.1
ELF f721f000-f72ae000   Deferred        libgmp.so.10
ELF f72ae000-f72f8000   Deferred        libhogweed.so.6
ELF f72f8000-f74a3000   Deferred        libunistring.so.2
ELF f74a3000-f7600000   Deferred        libp11-kit.so.0
ELF f7600000-f782e000   Deferred        libgnutls.so.30
ELF f7832000-f783e000   Deferred        libffi.so.8
ELF f783e000-f7888000   Deferred        libnettle.so.8
ELF f7888000-f789f000   Deferred        libtasn1.so.6
ELF f789f000-f78c2000   Deferred        libidn2.so.0
ELF f791a000-f7922000   Deferred        libxfixes.so.3
ELF f7922000-f792f000   Deferred        libxcursor.so.1
ELF f792f000-f7944000   Deferred        libxi.so.6
ELF f7944000-f7949000   Deferred        libxcomposite.so.1
ELF f7949000-f7958000   Deferred        libxrandr.so.2
ELF f7958000-f7966000   Deferred        libxrender.so.1
ELF f7966000-f796e000   Deferred        libxxf86vm.so.1
ELF f796e000-f7973000   Deferred        libxinerama.so.1
ELF f7973000-f7981000   Deferred        libmd.so.0
ELF f7981000-f7999000   Deferred        libbsd.so.0
ELF f7999000-f79a1000   Deferred        libxdmcp.so.6
ELF f79a1000-f79a7000   Deferred        libxau.so.6
ELF f79a7000-f79d5000   Deferred        libxcb.so.1
ELF f79d5000-f7b27000   Deferred        libx11.so.6
ELF f7b27000-f7b3e000   Deferred        libxext.so.6
ELF f7b3e000-f7b4a000   Deferred        bcrypt.so
ELF f7b4a000-f7b50000   Deferred        ws2_32.so
ELF f7b50000-f7c00000   Deferred        ntdll.so
ELF f7c00000-f7e35000   Deferred        libc.so.6
ELF f7e36000-f7e40000   Deferred        libuuid.so.1
ELF f7e44000-f7ed0000   Deferred        winex11.so
ELF f7ed8000-f7f10000   Deferred        ld-linux.so.2
process  tid      prio    name (all IDs are in hex)
00000020 (D) Z:\home\abc\abcd\Debug\WindowsApp37.exe
    00000024    0 <== 
    0000010c    0     SGen worker
    00000110    0     Finalizer
    0000011c    0     
00000038 services.exe
    0000003c    0     
    00000040    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
    0000004c    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
    00000070    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
    00000090    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
    000000b8    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
    000000e4    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
00000044 winedevice.exe
    00000048    0     
    00000054    0     
    00000058    0     wine_sechost_service
    0000005c    0     
    00000060    0     
    00000064    0     
    000000c4    0     
00000068 winedevice.exe
    0000006c    0     
    00000074    0     
    00000078    0     wine_sechost_service
    0000007c    0     
    00000080    0     
    00000084    0     
    00000098    0     
    000000ac    0     
00000088 plugplay.exe
    0000008c    0     
    00000094    0     
    0000009c    0     wine_sechost_service
    000000a0    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
    000000b0    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
000000a4 svchost.exe
    000000a8    0     
    000000bc    0     
    000000c0    0     wine_sechost_service
000000c8 explorer.exe
    000000cc    0     
    000000d0    0     
    000000d4    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
000000dc rpcss.exe
    000000e0    0     
    000000ec    0     
    000000f0    0     wine_sechost_service
    000000f4    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
    000000f8    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
    000000fc    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
00000104 conhost.exe
    00000108    0     
System information:
    Wine build: wine-8.0.2
    Platform: i386 (WOW64)
    Version: Windows 7
    Host system: Linux
    Host version: 6.2.0-26-generic
