我使用 Ghostscript 处理了一个 PDF 文件:
gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -q -o output.pdf input.pdf
当我使用文本/二进制编辑器查看输出 PDF 时,我注意到 Ghostscript 已将“Producer”元数据添加到 PDF 中。 Ghostscript 添加/Producer(GPL Ghostscript 10.00.0)
到 PDF 信息字典中,并且还添加<rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:pdf='http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/1.3/' pdf:Producer='GPL Ghostscript 10.00.0'/>
到 XMP 元数据中。如何阻止 Ghostscript 添加此元数据?
看来 Ghostscript 故意选择不允许您再设置 DOCINFO /Producer 键。看 这次提交。输出的生产者确实是 Ghostscript 引擎,并且此信息应按原样保留,以便文档读者在显示该信息时遇到问题时能够追溯到该软件,例如 Ghostscript 的特定版本。
pdfwrite - don't honour /Producer key in DOCINFO pdfmark author Ken Sharp <[email protected]> Mon, 30 Sep 2019 13:40:35 +0100 (13:40 +0100)
Bug #701639 "pdfwrite should not honour the /Producer key in DOCINFO pdfmark"
The Producer in the document information dictionary (and XML Metadata) is defined quite clearly as the application which produced the PDF file from its native format. ... This commit removes the ability for DOCINFO pdfmarks to alter the Producer, ... permit the commercial version of Ghostscript to set the /Producer from a pdfmark.