


CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft  %steal  %guest  %gnice   %idle
all    7.13    0.00    2.46    1.73    0.00    0.08    0.00    0.00    0.00   88.59

如果 %idle 是例如 1.0%,这意味着我正在使用 99.00% 的可用 CPU?有更好的方法来查找此信息吗?


如果可能,请安装该htop工具。我喜欢它并且已经使用了很多次。它很像top,但更好、更漂亮,有更多选择。要获得CPU average执行以下步骤:

  • 执行htop
  • f2进入设置
  • 3 x right arrow key
  • 36 x down arrow keyCPU average
  • 按下2 x Enter或选择使用箭头键将其移动到您想要的位置
  • 您可以根据Spacebar需要多次按 来更改显示格式


你可以通过运行以下命令获取mpstat output explanation

man mpstat


CPU     Processor number. The keyword all indicates that statistics are calculated as averages among all processors.
%usr    Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level (application).
%nice   Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level with nice priority.
%sys    Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the system level (kernel). Note that this does not include time spent servicing hard‐ ware and software interrupts.
%iowait Show the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle during which the system had an outstanding disk I/O request.
%irq    Show the percentage of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to service hardware interrupts.
%soft   Show the percentage of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to service software interrupts.
%steal  Show the percentage of time spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU or CPUs while the hypervisor was servicing another virtual processor.
%guest  Show the percentage of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to run a virtual processor.
%gnice  Show the percentage of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to run a niced guest.
%idle   Show the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle and the system did not have an outstanding disk I/O request.


我从未遇到过与 Linux 相关的术语“保留 CPU”。当然,对于某些虚拟机管理程序,利用率百分比数字的含义可能与裸机机器有不同的解释。我假设“保留”是指它正在做某事。

如果 %idle 是例如 1.0%,这意味着我正在使用 99.00% 的可用 CPU?


更长的答案:不一定。报告为 iowait 的某些时间可由 CPU 用于其他用途。


