

如果显示的方程式接近页面底部,TeX 会插入分页符,即使当前段落在方程式后只包含一行,例如

... it follows that
  a_n = ...
for all $n\in\N$.

(尽管当前页面有足够的空间,但这种情况仍然会发生。)问题似乎是 TeX 不把显示方程式后面的孤行视为孤行。



当然,现在我必须在每次出现可能“不好”的分页符时都进行书写,这很麻烦\avoidbreak。我不想全局定义\postdisplaypenalty=100因为这会阻止在显示方程式后分页,即使在段落末尾也是如此:对于新段落显示之后立即从下一页开始也是完全没问题的(即使它只包含一行,另请参阅下面的 MWE)。


%Remove the following % to get "one line of text" onto the first page:
Two lines of text followed by a formula
Two lines of text followed by a formula
%With my code, there will be no change if you put an empty line at this place!
%If "one line of text" below starts a new paragraph, then
%that paragraph should be allowed (even encouraged) to start on a new page.
%I only want to try and avoid the page break if no new paragraph is started here.
one line of text

New paragraph

(让我提一下,TeX 有一个\displaywidowpenalty参数,但这个参数是关于寡妇的显示的方程式。


我看不出设置有什么问题\postdisplaypenalty全局设置有什么问题——如果你遇到任何问题,它们可能是软件包错误的迹象。默认值可能对 Knuth 来说没问题;但这些设置是作为参数实现的,因为你应该定制它们。



%Remove the following % to get "one line of text" onto the first page:

   % We are in horizontal mode here again!
   % Insert a penalty so we can recognize whether \par comes directly
   % after. 
   % This might conflict with \par redefinitions in lists, so only
   % proof of concept!
     % check whether we are directly behind formula
     % in that case - insert negative penalty!

Two lines of text followed by a formula
Two lines of text followed by a formula
%With my code, there will be no change if you put an empty line at this place!
%If "one line of text" below starts a new paragraph, then
%that paragraph should be allowed (even encouraged) to start on a new page.
%I only want to try and avoid the page break if no new paragraph is
%started here.

one line of text

New paragraph









%Remove the following % to get "one line of text" onto the first page:
    Two lines of text followed by a formula
    Two lines of text followed by a formula
%It doesn't matter if you have a new line at this place or not!
%I only want to avoid the page break if no new paragraph is started here.
one line of text

New paragraph
