我想在 LaTeX Chapter 环境中添加一条注释,说明我下面描述的工作已在论文中发表。换句话说,它应该是这样的:
Chapter 6
The Evolution in research
The research described in this Chapter has been published in:
R. Moor and J.Morris. The Evolution of Research, Workshop on
Education, 2010, pp. 180-190
Once upon a time ....
The research described in this Chapter has been published in:
R. Moor and J.Morris. The Evolution of Research, Workshop on
Education, 2010, pp. 180-190
Chapter 6
The Evolution in research
Once upon a time ....
有人知道在 LaTeX 中是否有类似模板可以实现这一功能吗?
使用 KOMA 类,您可以使用命令定义章节序言\setchapterpreamble
。使用具有完整引用支持的 BibTeX 样式,例如比布拉特克斯,您可以执行以下操作:
author = {R. Moor and J. Morris},
title = {The Evolution of Research},
subtitle = {Workshop on Education},
year = {2010}
The research described in this Chapter has been published in:
\chapter{The Evolution in research}
Once upon a time~\ldots
,不仅是引号环境,还有纯文本。例如,您还可以使用 KOMA 的\dictum
The research described in this Chapter has been published in: