

我正在尝试更新帕帕文第六版(由于我不是真正的 latex 黑客,所以这是一项艰巨的任务),我想强制某些级别的标题符合标题大小写。这是每一个word 为大写。例如:

  • 大写 = 成年初期社会转型延迟
  • 小写=成年初期社会转型延迟
  • 句子形式 = 成年初期社会转型延迟
  • 标题案例 = 成年初期社会转型延迟


  1. 是否有一种我还没找到的简单方法可以做到这一点?
  2. 有人可以告诉我需要知道什么才能自己实现这个目标吗?




这段代码应该可以帮助您入门。它使用了软件包的几个stringstrings字符串处理例程,包括识别您希望以小写形式排版的单词,这非常耗时\addlcwords。其余代码将其挂接到 APA 的分段命令中(这很繁琐,但确实有效)。




\addlcwords{all of the and a an is before on}

% Four Levels with Sections in Title Case

\title{On the Bodleianisation of L-Space Interior Topologies}
\author{The Librarian}
\affiliation{Unseen University}
\leftheader{Capitalised Headers}
\section{Library-Space is NOT countable}
\subsection{Turtles ALL the way down}
\subsubsection{On THE Knock-ON Effect oN wood}
\subsubsection{an orang And a utan}


titlecaps包 (http://ctan.org/pkg/titlecaps(但请注意,CTAN 的缺陷在于它不会显示在搜索中,但实际上存在)可以做到这一点。在编写了“极其耗时”的 stringstrings 包(正如 Geoffrey 正确指出的那样)之后,我努力为标题的情况做得更好。这个titlecaps包就是结果。



\parskip 1em
\parindent 0em
\Addlcwords{for a is but and with of in as the etc on to if}
to know that none of the words typed in this paragraph were initially
upper cased might be of interest to you.  it is done to demonstrate the
behavioral features of this package.  first, you should know the words
that i have pre-designated as lower case.  they are:  ``for a is but and
with of in as the etc on to if.''  you can define your own list.  note
that punctuation, like the period following the word ``if'' did not mess
up the search for lower case (nor did the quotation marks just now).
punctuation which is screened out of the lower-cased word search pattern
include . , : ; ( ) [ ] ? ! ` ' however, I cannot screen text braces;
\{for example in\} is titled, versus (for example in), since the braces
are not screened out in the search for pre-designated lower-case words
like for and in.  However, \texttt{\bs textnc} provides a workaround:
\{\textnc{for example in}\}.  titlecap will consider capitalizing
following a (, [, \{, or - symbol, such as (abc-def).  you can use your
text\textit{\relax xx} commands, like i just did here with the prior xx,
but if you want the argument of that command to not be titled, you
either need, in this example, to add \textit{xx} to the lowercase word
list, which you can see i did not.  instead, i put ``\bs relax~xx'' as
the argument, so that, in essence, the \bs relax was capitalized, not
the x.  Or you could use \texttt{\bs textnc} .  here i demonstrate that
text boldface, \textbf{as in the \bs textbf command}, also works fine,
as do \texttt{texttt}, \textsl{textsl}, \textsc{textsc},
\textsf{textsf}, \textit{etc}.  titlecap will work on diacritical marks,
such as \"apfel, \c cacao \textit{etc.}, \scriptsize fontsize \LARGE
changing commands\normalsize\unskip, as well as national symbols such as
\o laf, \ae gis, and \oe dipus.  unfortunately, i could not get it to
work on the \aa~nor the \l~symbols. the method will work with some
things in math mode, capitalizing symbols if there is a leading space,
$x^2$ can become $ x^2$, and it can process but it will not capitalize
the greek symbols, such as $\alpha$, and will choke on most macros, if
they are not direct character expansions.  Additionally,
\textsf{titlecaps} also works with font changing declarations, for
example, \bs itshape\bs sffamily. \itshape\sffamily you can see that it
works fine.  likewise, any subsequent \bs textxx command will, upon
completion, return the font to its prior state, such as this
\textbf{textbf of some text}.  you can see that i have returned to the
prior font, which was italic sans-serif. now I will return to upright
roman\upshape\rmfamily.  a condition that will not behave well is inner
braces, such as \ttfamily \bs titlecap\{blah \{inner brace material\}
blah-blah\}. \rmfamily see the section on quirks and limitations for a
workaround involving \texttt{\bs textnc}.  titlecap will always
capitalize the first word of the argument (\textbf{even if it is on the
lower-case word list}), unless \texttt{\bs titlecap} is invoked with an
optional argument that is anything other than a capital p.  in that case,
the first word will be titled \textit{unless} it is on the lowercase
word list.  for example, i will do a \bs titlecap[\relax s]\{\relax
a~big~man\} and get ``\titlecap[s]\textnc{a big man}'' with the ``a''
not titled.  i hope this package is useful to you, but as far as using
\textsf{titlecaps} on such large paragraphs\ldots \textbf{do not try
this at home!}}



