

我的文档应该是 letterpaper,附件应该是 a4paper。我对包\newgeometry中的命令寄予厚望geometry,但文档说

\newgeometry与 几乎类似, \geometry只是它\newgeometry 禁用了序言中指定的所有选项,并跳过了与纸张大小相关的选项:landscapeportrait纸张大小选项(例如papersize等等paper=a4paper)。



PDFLaTeX 中的功能如下:

Normal page
\eject \pdfpagewidth=3in \pdfpageheight=10in
Tall page
\eject \pdfpagewidth=10in \pdfpageheight=3in
Wide page

这应该与 Xelatex 配合使用。请参阅 SO qn,在乳胶文档中间更改纸张尺寸?,了解更多。


您可以使用typearea包(KOMA-Script 包)更改纸张大小,并重新计算所有相关边距、页眉和页脚位置等。以下代码演示了该技术,但会生成一些与违反排版规则相关的警告(不建议在 A3 上放置 10pt 字体)。您可能需要调整一些进一步的typearea设置以获得更好的结果。

\usepackage{lipsum}% dummy code

\lipsum% Placed on A4

\lipsum% Placed on A3

\lipsum% Placed on A4 again


一些 KOMA-Script 选项会自动触发重新计算类型区域和“页面设置”,但paper实际上并非如此。不过,在文档中间重新计算会产生新页面,因此这里不需要\clearpage\newpage或。\eject


下面是一个简化的示例,它在两个自定义页面大小和相应的布局(边距)之间切换,可以编译pdflatex- 有关更多详细信息,请参阅我的回答在 xelatex 中使用“几何”设置正确的自定义页面大小时出现问题


% reminder: US letter: 596pt x 795pt



% stockwidth and stockheight - from memoir,
% here just for cheating `layouts` warnings


% this command will take effect into L1 layout just after \begin{document}
% but the L1 geometry will otherwise be ignored


  {\typeout{^^J*******\string\drawpage fixed*******^^J}}%
  {\typeout{^^J*******\string\drawpage not fixed*******^^J}}


  % from geometry.sty:
  * paper: \ifx\Gm@paper\@undefined<default>\else\Gm@paper\fi \\%
  * layout: \ifGm@layout<custom>\else<same size as paper>\fi \\%
  * layout(width,height): (\the\Gm@layoutwidth,\the\Gm@layoutheight) \\%
  * layoutoffset:(h,v)=(\the\Gm@layouthoffset,\the\Gm@layoutvoffset) \\%
  \pagevalues % from package layouts



  % switch page size first:
  \pdfpagewidth=\pagewidthA \pdfpageheight=\pageheightA % for PDF output
  \paperwidth=\pagewidthA \paperheight=\pageheightA     % for TikZ
  \stockwidth=\pagewidthA \stockheight=\pageheightA % hyperref (memoir)?!
  \loadgeometry{LayoutPageA} % note; \loadgeometry may reset paperwidth/h!

  % switch page size first:
  \pdfpagewidth=\pagewidthB \pdfpageheight=\pageheightB % for PDF output
  \paperwidth=\pagewidthB \paperheight=\pageheightB     % for TikZ
  \stockwidth=\pagewidthB \stockheight=\pageheightB % hyperref (memoir)?!
  \loadgeometry{LayoutPageB} % note; \loadgeometry may reset paperwidth/h!

  % here geometry layout L1 is instantiated;
  % without anything else, paper size defaults to US letter!
  % \restoregeometry command restores L1!!

  \fontsize{8}{9}\selectfont % this nowork in preamble!

  % generate page layouts first based on layoutwidth as page size;
  % don't switch actual page sizes yet:

  %%% start with content

  % start with LayoutPageA (includes switching page size)

    \pagestyle{empty} % no page numbers here

  % switch to LayoutPageB (includes switching page size)

    % start page numbering here ("this will reset the page number"):
    % make page numbers visible





