如何使用回忆录 \ifoddpage

如何使用回忆录 \ifoddpage

为什么\ifoddpage在下面的例子中似乎总是返回 false?这与问题 6143在同一论坛上。我正在使用 XeLaTeX 制作 pdf 文件(即xelatex test.tex

% for Blurb, set this to the actual desired size as indicated by the
% size calculator on their web site
% See the memoir class documentation for an explanation of all the page
% layout parameters.
\setlrmarginsandblock{81pt}{54pt}{*} % calculates \textwidth
\setulmarginsandblock{72pt}{36pt}{*} % calculates \textheight
\raggedright     % comment to force even justification
\setlength{\parindent}{0in}   % paragraph indentations
\setlength{\parskip}{1em}   % space between paragraph
\checkandfixthelayout    % Set all the layout values


您必须\checkoddpage先调用,将其设置\ifoddpage为 true 或 false。最好进行严格检查。这在您的代码中运行良好,可在分页符上切换奇数和偶数:

