TikZ circuits.ee.IEC 库中的交流源符号

TikZ circuits.ee.IEC 库中的交流源符号


  \draw (0,0) sin (1,1) cos (2,0) sin (3,-1) cos (4,0);
  \draw (2,0) circle (2.5);



\draw (0,5) to [ACsource={volt=220}] (5,5);

另外,当我能够将其声明为符号时,它的行为是否已经与库中的其他默认符号相同circuits?举例来说,它的行为是否会像这样resistor,在适当的位置绘制连接线和标签?我还希望ACsource具有适当的大小,以遵循诸如small circuit symbolshuge circuit symbols等键。

\draw (0,0) to [resistor={ohm=5}] (5,0);


我正在使用 LaTeX。这是我的 MWE:


\tikzset{circuit declare symbol = ac current source}
          ac current source IEC graphic/.style={%
            circuit symbol lines,
            circuit symbol size = width 2 height 2,
            shape = generic circle IEC,
            /pgf/generic circle IEC/before background={%
            transform shape
          circuit ee IEC/.append style={%
            {set ac current source graphic = ac current source IEC graphic}

  \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC]
    \draw node [ac current source, info=230V] {};


包裹pgfkeys错误:我不知道密钥'/tikz/set ac current source graphic = ac current source IEC graphic',我将忽略它。也许你拼错了。

@morbusg 的解决方案与 Plain TeX 完美兼容,但我使用的是 LaTeX。也许我遗漏了什么?


我找到了一个完全符合我的要求的解决方案。 替代文本


\tikzset{circuit declare symbol = ac source}
\tikzset{set ac source graphic = ac source IEC graphic}
         ac source IEC graphic/.style=
           transform shape,
           circuit symbol lines,
           circuit symbol size = width 3 height 3,
           shape=generic circle IEC,
           /pgf/generic circle IEC/before background=

  \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC]
    \draw (0,0)    to [ac source={info={110V 60Hz},near start},resistor={near end}] (3,0);
    \draw (0,-1.5) to [ac source={volt=220,near start}, inductor={near end}]        (3,-1.5);


第一个是 Plain-TeX 版本,它有一些额外的定义,用于“包括”交流源图形作为可切换的(IEC/US/等)电路形状。这不是必需的;请参阅下面的精简版 LaTeX 版本。

\input tikz
\tikzset{circuit declare symbol = ac current source}
\tikzset{ac current source IEC graphic/.style={
    circuit symbol lines,
    circuit symbol size=width 2 height 2,
    shape=generic circle IEC,
    /pgf/generic circle IEC/before background={
    transform shape
\tikzset{circuit ee IEC/.append style=
  {set ac current source graphic = ac current source IEC graphic}

\tikzpicture[circuit ee IEC]
  \draw node[ac current source, huge circuit symbols,info=230V] {};
  \draw (1,0) node[ac current source, small circuit symbols,info=230V] {};



\tikzset{ac source/.style={
  circuit symbol lines,
  circuit symbol size = width 2 height 2,
  shape = generic circle IEC,
  /pgf/generic circle IEC/before background={
  transform shape
  \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,small circuit symbols]
    \node[ac source,volt=230] {};
