列出两列 - 如何分页?

列出两列 - 如何分页?


\documentclass[a4paper, twocolumn]{article}

这里面有一个更大的lstlisting,它有一个float=*可以合并两列的。但是这个列表需要分页符。我认为 LaTeX 不会因为浮动而破坏列表。我该怎么做才能让 LaTeX 分页我的列表?




\begin{lstlisting}[caption=A Listing,,basicstyle=\ttfamily,numbers=left]




如果您可以使用该软件包,Herbert 对此给出了一个很好的答案multicol。如果您不能或不想使用,这里有一种方法可以做到。我并不是说这是最好的方法,甚至不是说它在所有情况下都有效,但至少在我有限的测试中,它似乎有效。

\usepackage{lipsum} % Just for dummy text.
                \errmessage{Too many longonecolumn environments too
                close together.}%
                        \setbox\z@\vsplit\loc@box to\vsize
        \global\setbox\loc@box\box\voidb@x % Probably not needed
\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Here's my
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!
Here is a full width line of text; it just keeps going. Whee!!!

这里的想法是,longonecolumn环境将其参数打包成一个单独的框\loc@box。然后它使用 TeX 的分页算法将\vsplit框拆分成\vsize大小合适的块,然后让这些块自然地适合页面。在只有一个大小不超过的块之后\vsize,它会检查它是否适合双列图形允许占用的空间量。如果不适合,那么最后一个块也会有自己的页面。否则,它会被放在正常的两列页面的顶部,就像\maketitle将标题信息放在页面顶部一样。
