标题说明了一切。您如何向 TeXie 祝愿“新年快乐”?使用 pdfLaTeX 编译以下代码,使用“PDF 阅读器”或“Adobe Acrobat Pro”查看,然后按第二页上的“新年快乐”按钮。请在评论中添加您语言的翻译,建议如何将“新年快乐”字符串国际化。
\usepackage[scaled =.92]{helvet}
\lhead{A Sample Calculation}\chead{}
\rhead{Area of Circle}
pdftitle={Wishing you a happy year},pdfsubject={Invest your new year improving your TeX skills}%
function doCalculation()
var radius=0.0 + this.getField("radius").value;
this.getField("areacircle").value= Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2);
function HappyNewYear()
app.alert("Happy New Year!",3);
%% This must be here
%% Short hand commands
\TextField[name={#1}, value={#2}, width=9em,align=2,%
bordercolor={0.990 .980 .85},%
%% Define the heading
\textbf{\Huge Have a Happy New Year\\ with JavaScript\\*[4pt] and LateX!}
\heading{Area of Circle}}\\
%%% Input field radius
&\\*[-0.8em]\textforlabel{l01}{Radius:}&\TextField[name=radius,width=10em, bordercolor={0.650 .790 .94}]{}%
&\\ \hline
%% Push button is defined here
\PushButton[name=start,onclick={doCalculation();},bordercolor={0.650 .790 .94}%
%% Push button is defined here
onclick={HappyNewYear();}, bordercolor={0.650 .790 .94}%
]{Happy New Year!}
%% Diameter
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{}\\*[-0.8em]\textforlabel{name=l04, bordercolor={0.650 0.790 0.94}}{%
Diameter :}&\TextField[name=diameter,width=10em,bordercolor={0.650 .790 .94},%
\textforlabel{name=l05, bordercolor={0.650 0.790 0.94}}{Area:} & \TextField[name=areacircle,width=10em,%
bordercolor={0.650 .790 .94},readonly=true]{}~m$^2$\\*[-0.8em]
As proved by Archimedes, the area enclosed by a circle is $\pi$ multiplied by the radius squared \(\pi r^2\). Apollonius of Perga showed that a circle may also be defined as the set of points in a plane having a constant ratio (other than 1) of distances to two fixed foci, A and B.
Early science, particularly geometry and astrology and astronomy, was connected to the divine for most medieval scholars, and many believed that there was something intrinsically \textit{divine} or \textit{perfect} that could be found in circles. Some people still believe that the earth is still flat and is circular.
Some highlights in the history of the circle are:
\item 1700 BC -- The Rhind papyrus gives a method to find the area of a circular field. The result corresponds to \(\frac{256}{81}\) (3.16049\dots) as an approximate value of $\pi$.
\item 300 BC -- Book 3 of Euclid's Elements deals with the properties of circles.
In Plato's Seventh Letter there is a detailed definition and explanation of the circle. Plato explains the perfect circle, and how it is different from any drawing, words, definition or explanation.
\item 1880 -- Lindemann proves that $\pi$ is transcendental, effectively settling the millennia-old problem of squaring the circle
\item 1978 -- Donald Knuth develops \TeX\ in order to enable future generations to typeset Mathematics in a beautiful way, including all the equations that one can associate with circles.
AdobeReader 提供大约 15 种不同的语言版本。这是您新年愿望的可能翻译数量。可以使用 JavaScript 对象访问打开 PDF 的阅读器的语言版本app.language
它可用于选择匹配的问候语。我为法语和德语以及一些默认语言(根据说话者的数量)选择了该问候语。但是,可能需要安装额外的字体包 ;-) :
function HappyNewYear()
case "FRA":
hny="Bonne Ann"+String.fromCharCode(233)+"e !";break;;
case "DE":
hny="Gl"+String.fromCharCode(252)+"ckliches Neues Jahr!";break;;
请注意,一些非 ASCII 字符必须用其 Unicode 表示形式替换。