当我使用 更改 Beamer 中的脚注颜色时\setbeamercolor{footnote}{fg=blue}
It seems like adding a footnote\footnote{Like this} will cause the normal text of subsequent slides to inherit the footnote's color.
See? This text is now blue.
Invoking another footnote\footnote{like this} will cause the fonts to return to normal color, at least for this slide.
But this text will again be blue (the color of the footnotes)!
我正在使用 MacTex 2010。
\parindent 1em\noindent%
\hbox to 1.8em{\hfil\insertfootnotemark}
It seems like adding a footnote\footnote{Like this} will cause the normal text of subsequent slides to inherit the footnote's color.
See? This text is now blue.
Invoking another footnote\footnote{like this} will cause the fonts to return to normal color, at least for this slide.
But this text will again be blue (the color of the footnotes)!
\setbeamercolor{footnote mark}{fg=green} % the mark (1, 2, ...)
\setbeamertemplate{footnote}{\mbox{ \insertfootnotemark \textcolor{red}{ \insertfootnotetext}}}
% local use of a color (its not so beamer like but works)
some text in black
\footnote{don´t use red!}
red and green footnote
not red