在 Lyx 中使用 longtable

在 Lyx 中使用 longtable

以下内容在 Kile 中编译良好,但当导入 Lyx 时,标题重复,并且“下页继续”错误地出现在表格末尾。

%% LyX 1.6.7 created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.


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\caption{A long table}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Gene ID } & \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Description}\tabularnewline
\multicolumn{2}{r}{{Continued on next page}}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Gene ID } & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Description}\tabularnewline
KIAA1539  & KIAA1539\tabularnewline
TMEM98  & transmembrane protein 98\tabularnewline
RHBDF1  & rhomboid 5 homolog 1\tabularnewline
DCN  & decorin\tabularnewline
HAGH  & hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase\tabularnewline
DGKA  & diacylglycerol kinase, alpha 80kDa\tabularnewline
P4HA2  & prolyl 4-hydroxylase, alpha polypeptide II\tabularnewline
GPR137B  & G protein-coupled receptor 137B\tabularnewline
SLC22A17  & solute carrier family 22, member 17\tabularnewline
TBC1D2  & TBC1 domain family, member 2\tabularnewline
HSD3B7  & \tabularnewline
TIMP3  & TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 3\tabularnewline
ARSA  & arylsulfatase A\tabularnewline
ENG  & endoglin\tabularnewline
HPS1  & Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 1\tabularnewline
WSB1  & WD repeat and SOCS box-containing 1\tabularnewline
H2AFJ  & H2A histone family, member J\tabularnewline
PCTK3  & cyclin-dependent kinase 18\tabularnewline
PLAGL1  & pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like 1\tabularnewline
CPXM2  & carboxypeptidase X , member 2\tabularnewline
XG  & Xg blood group\tabularnewline
PSG2  & pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 2\tabularnewline
TUBA1  & tubulin, alpha 4a\tabularnewline
ISLR  & immunoglobulin superfamily containing leucine-rich repeat\tabularnewline
CD68  & CD68 molecule\tabularnewline
SLC44A2  & solute carrier family 44, member 2\tabularnewline
DLG4  & discs, large homolog 4\tabularnewline
REEP2  & receptor accessory protein 2\tabularnewline
NES  & nestin\tabularnewline
STARD13  & StAR-related lipid transfer domain containing 13\tabularnewline
MYH11  & myosin, heavy chain 11, smooth muscle\tabularnewline
NT5E  & 5'-nucleotidase, ecto\tabularnewline
ITGA7  & integrin, alpha 7\tabularnewline
ITM2B  & integral membrane protein 2B\tabularnewline
NAAA  & N-acylethanolamine acid amidase\tabularnewline
SLC16A3  & solute carrier family 16, member 3\tabularnewline
IFITM3  & interferon induced transmembrane protein 3\tabularnewline
CRABP2  & cellular retinoic acid binding protein 2\tabularnewline
LHX9  & LIM homeobox 9\tabularnewline
ECM1  & extracellular matrix protein 1\tabularnewline
COL8A1  & collagen, type VIII, alpha 1\tabularnewline
NMRAL1  & NmrA-like family domain containing 1\tabularnewline
NCSTN  & nicastrin\tabularnewline
PBXIP1  & pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox interacting protein 1\tabularnewline
ESM1  & endothelial cell-specific molecule 1\tabularnewline
CITED2  & \tabularnewline
MAP1A  & microtubule-associated protein 1A\tabularnewline
ANGPTL4  & angiopoietin-like 4\tabularnewline
GDNF  & glial cell derived neurotrophic factor\tabularnewline
IL7R  & interleukin 7 receptor\tabularnewline
TMEM129  & transmembrane protein 129\tabularnewline
GAA  & glucosidase, alpha; acid\tabularnewline
MRGPRF  & MAS-related GPR, member F\tabularnewline
SEZ6L2  & seizure related 6 homolog -like 2\tabularnewline
IRX3  & iroquois homeobox 3\tabularnewline
ADAMTSL1  & ADAMTS-like 1\tabularnewline
C15ORF52  & Uncharacterized protein C15orf52\tabularnewline
PDCD1LG2-001  & Programmed cell death 1 ligand 2 Precursor\tabularnewline
HOXC6  & homeobox C6\tabularnewline
PSG4  & pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 4\tabularnewline
FER1L4  & fer-1-like 4\tabularnewline

我甚至尝试过使用 longtable 模块,但是它对我来说不起作用: http://www.oak-tree.us/stuff/LyX/longtablepage.module 使用这个自定义插入似乎像常规表格一样进行编译,流过页面末尾而不是插入适当的分页符。


有人可以提供一个 longtable 的例子,它可以在 Lyx 中编译,类似于我的示例在 Kile 中的编译方式吗?


问题是,正如维基百科,长表在浮点数中不起作用,并且无法在表格内给出标题。但是,只要您定义表格头,上述 LyX Wiki 部分中给出的技巧就无济于事,因为 ERT 中带有标题的行会移到 \endhead 命令下方。因此,您必须将带有 caption 命令的第一行定义为表格头。以下方法对我有用(在 Windows 上使用 LyX 1.6.7 创建)。我不得不缩短表格,因为否则示例会太长。

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caption[short title]{A long table}




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Gene ID

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Continued on next page

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transmembrane protein 98

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rhomboid 5 homolog 1

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hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase

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diacylglycerol kinase, alpha 80kDa

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prolyl 4-hydroxylase, alpha polypeptide II

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G protein-coupled receptor 137B

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solute carrier family 22, member 17

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TBC1 domain family, member 2

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TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 3

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arylsulfatase A

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Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 1

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WD repeat and SOCS box-containing 1

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H2A histone family, member J

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cyclin-dependent kinase 18

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pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like 1

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carboxypeptidase X , member 2

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Xg blood group

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pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 2

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tubulin, alpha 4a

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immunoglobulin superfamily containing leucine-rich

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CD68 molecule

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solute carrier family 44, member 2

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discs, large homolog 4

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receptor accessory protein 2

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StAR-related lipid transfer domain containing 13

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\begin_layout Plain Layout

\family roman
\series medium
\shape up
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\bar no
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\color none
myosin, heavy chain 11, smooth muscle






我刚刚意识到标题也显示在了第二页上,但实际上不应该显示。要更改此设置,您可以转到 LyX 中的表格首选项,并将长表选项卡中的状态更改为“第一个标题”而不是“标题”(确切的术语可能不同,我使用的是德国 LyX)。如果您希望在后续页面上也显示标题,但使用不同的文本,则可以有两行标题,一行定义为“第一个标题”,另一行定义为“标题”。对于连续标题,您必须插入带有空可选参数的标题命令,否则表格列表中将有两个条目。因此,连续标题的 ERT 应如下所示:

\caption[]{A long table (continued)}\\%
