

我有一张图,其中包含一对图,它们代表了 15 篇参考论文(在图中表示为 1-15)的数据点。为了更好地指示每个数据点的来源,我在标题底部的数组中添加了参考论文的编号列表。

\includegraphics[width=2.8in]{./figures/SimoArea} &
(a) & (b)\\
A comparison of various SIMO DC-DC voltage converter designs.
A comparison of various single-inductor multiple-output DC-DC voltage converter designs across five technology generations: 
$0.5 \mu m$, $0.35 \mu m$, $0.25 \mu m$, $0.18 \mu m$, $0.13 \mu m$. 
(a) Design area verse voltage outputs. (b) Area per output for each design.
        \text{1: Woo 2-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{woo:dcdc}} &
        \text{6: Seol 5-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{seol:multiple-output}} & 
        \text{11: Belloni 4-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:buck}}
        \text{2: Ma 2-Output Boost~\cite{ma:simo-discontinuos,ma:reduction}} &
        \text{7: Belloni 2-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:on-design}} &
        \text{12: Parayandeh 4-Output Buck~\cite{parayandeh:programmable}}
        \text{3: Belloni 4-Output Boost~\cite{belloni:self-boosted}} &
        \text{8: Lee 6-Output Buck~\cite{lee:simo}} &
        \text{13: Belloni 2-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:on-design}}
        \text{4: Belloni 4-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:on-design}} &
        \text{9: Huang 4-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{huang:simo}} &
        \text{14: Zhang 2-Output Boost~\cite{zhang:simo}}
        \text{5: Le 5-Output Boost~\cite{le:simo}} &
        \text{10: Bondade 3-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{bondade:codesign}} &
        \text{15: Bondade 2-Output Buck~\cite{bondade:power-aware}}
} % end tiny
} % end protect








\includegraphics[width=2.8in]{./figures/SimoArea} &
(a) & (b)\\
A comparison of various SIMO DC-DC voltage converter designs.
A comparison of various single-inductor multiple-output DC-DC voltage converter designs across five technology generations: 
$0.5 \mu m$, $0.35 \mu m$, $0.25 \mu m$, $0.18 \mu m$, $0.13 \mu m$. 
(a) Design area verse voltage outputs. (b) Area per output for each design.
    g1: Woo 2-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{woo:dcdc} &
    g6: Seol 5-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{seol:multiple-output} & 
    g11: Belloni 4-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:buck}
    g2: Ma 2-Output Boost~\cite{ma:simo-discontinuos,ma:reduction} &
    g7: Belloni 2-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:on-design} &
    g12: Parayandeh 4-Output Buck~\cite{parayandeh:programmable}
    g3: Belloni 4-Output Boost~\cite{belloni:self-boosted} &
    g8: Lee 6-Output Buck~\cite{lee:simo} &
    g13: Belloni 2-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:on-design}
    g4: Belloni 4-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:on-design} &
    g9: Huang 4-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{huang:simo} &
    g14: Zhang 2-Output Boost~\cite{zhang:simo}
    g5: Le 5-Output Boost~\cite{le:simo} &
    g10: Bondade 3-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{bondade:codesign} &
    g15: Bondade 2-Output Buck~\cite{bondade:power-aware}




\usepackage[demo]{graphicx}% delete demo 


\includegraphics[width=0.47\textwidth]{./figures/SimoArea} &
(a) & (b)\\
\caption[A comparison of various SIMO DC-DC voltage converter designs.]{%
  A comparison of various single-inductor multiple-output DC-DC voltage converter designs across five technology generations: 
  $0.5 \mu m$, $0.35 \mu m$, $0.25 \mu m$, $0.18 \mu m$, $0.13 \mu m$. 
  (a) Design area verse voltage outputs. (b) Area per output for each design.
        1: Woo 2-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{woo:dcdc} &
        6: Seol 5-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{seol:multiple-output} & 
        11: Belloni 4-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:buck}
        2: Ma 2-Output Boost~\cite{ma:simo-discontinuos,ma:reduction} &
        7: Belloni 2-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:on-design} &
        12: Parayandeh 4-Output Buck~\cite{parayandeh:programmable}
        3: Belloni 4-Output Boost~\cite{belloni:self-boosted} &
        8: Lee 6-Output Buck~\cite{lee:simo} &
        13: Belloni 2-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:on-design}
        4: Belloni 4-Output Buck~\cite{belloni:on-design} &
        9: Huang 4-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{huang:simo} &
        14: Zhang 2-Output Boost~\cite{zhang:simo}
        5: Le 5-Output Boost~\cite{le:simo} &
        10: Bondade 3-Output Buck/Boost~\cite{bondade:codesign} &
        15: Bondade 2-Output Buck~\cite{bondade:power-aware}


