我想在两栏的论文中插入一个长表格。我首先尝试了“tabular”,但问题是它没有将表格划分到各个页面。然后这篇文章中的人建议我使用 xtab:
我尝试了一下,但不幸的是,在将星号添加到工作 xtabular 表后出现了这个错误:
./composition-body.tex:392: Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
l.392 \hline
。这解决了编译问题,但 LaTeX 仍然试图将表格插入列中,如以下两张图片所示:
如果您想阅读,以下是 LaTeX 代码:
\tablecaption{The factors the camera solver depends on to evaluate the rules.}
\tablehead{\hline \textbf{Factor} & \textbf{Best Value} & \textbf{$\Delta_t$} & \textbf{$\Delta_{do}$} & \textbf{Explanation} \\}
%%% ----- Rule of Thirds (Corners) -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Rule of Thirds (Corners)} \\
Horizontal Distance to Corner & 0 & HD/20 & HD & The horizontal distance between the centre of mass of the object and the closest corner. \\
Vertical Distance to Corner & 0 & HD/20 & HD & The vertical distance between the centre of mass of the object and the closest corner. \\
%%% ----- Rule of Thirds (Lines) -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Rule of Thirds (Lines)} \\
Line Angle & 45 & 15 & 30 & The angle between the prominent line of the object and the diagonal lines \\ % TODO: What object? Make sure it is clear.
Line Distance & 0 & 0.25 & 1 & The distance, in screen coordinates, from the prominent line of the object to the diagonal lines. \\ % TODO: Need to define screen coordinates
Corner Distances & 0 & 0.1 & 0.7 & The distance, in screen coordinates, from the end of the prominent line of the object to the corners of the screen. \\
%%% ----- Diagonal Dominance -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Diagonal Dominance} \\
Line Angle & 45 & 15 & 30 & The angle between the prominent line of the object and the diagonal lines \\ % TODO: What object? Make sure it is clear.
Line Distance & 0 & 0.25 & 1 & The distance, in screen coordinates, from the prominent line of the object to the diagonal lines. \\ % TODO: Need to define screen coordinates
Corner Distances & 0 & 0.1 & 0.7 & The distance, in screen coordinates, from the end of the prominent line of the object to the corners of the screen. \\
%%% ----- Visual Balance -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Visual Balance} \\
Horizontal Center & 0 & 0.1 & 0.5 & The horizontal component of the centre of mass of all the objects of the rule. \\ % TODO: What does "objects" mean here? It should be well explained.
Vertical Center & 0 & 0.1 & 0.5 & The vertical component of the centre of mass of all the objects of the rule. \\ % TODO: What does "objects" mean here? It should be well explained.
%%% ----- Boundary Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Boundardy Rule} \\
Left Outside & 0 & 5\% BW & 25\% BW & The width of the part of the object which is beyond the left border of the boundary specified by the rule. \\
Right Outside & 0 & 5\% BW & 25\% BW & The width of the part of the object which is beyond the right border of the boundary specified by the rule. \\
Top Outside & 0 & 5\% BH & 25\% BH & The height of the part of the object which is beyond the upper border of the boundary specified by the rule. \\
Bottom Outside & 0 & 5\% BH & 25\% BH & The height of the part of the object which is beyond the lower border of the boundary specified by the rule. \\
%%% ----- Framing Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Framing Rule} \\
Left Delta & 0 & 5\% FW & 25\% FW & The distance between the left of the object's frame and the left of the frame specified by the rule. \\
Right Delta & 0 & 5\% FW & 25\% FW & The distance between the right of the object's frame and the right of the frame specified by the rule. \\
Top Delta & 0 & 5\% FH & 25\% FH & The distance between the top of the object's frame and the top of the frame specified by the rule. \\
Bottom Delta & 0 & 5\% FH & 25\% FH & The distance between the bottom of the object's frame and the bottom of the frame specified by the rule. \\
%%% ----- Visibility Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Visibility Rule (Full Visibility)} \\
Visibility & 100 & 5 & 50 & The percentage of the visible part of the object. \\
%%% ----- Visibility Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Visibility Rule (No Visibility)} \\
Visibility & 0 & 5 & 50 & The percentage of the visible part of the object. \\
%%% ----- Position Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Position Rule} \\
Horizontal Distance & 0 & 0.01 & 0.25 & The horizontal distance between the centre of mass of the object and the position specified by the rule. \\
Vertical Distance & 0 & 0.01 & 0.25 & The vertical distance between the centre of mass of the object and the position specified by the rule. \\
%%% ----- Size Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Size Rule} \\
Beyond Minimum Width & 0 & 5\% AOW & 25\% FW & The amount the width of the object is beyond the minimum width. \\
Beyond Minimum Height & 0 & 5\% AOH & 25\% FH & The amount the height of the object is beyond the minimum height. \\
Beyond Maximum Width & 0 & 5\% AOW & 25\% FW & The amount the width of the object is beyond the maximum width. \\
Beyond Maximum Height & 0 & 5\% AOH & 25\% FH & The amount the height of the object is beyond the maximum height. \\
在 LaTeX 中,以及/中的xtabular*
/都不太好用。您必须添加等来填充列。例如: supertabular*
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\tablecaption{The factors the camera solver depends on to evaluate the rules.}
\tablehead{\hline \textbf{Factor} & \textbf{Best Value} & \textbf{$\Delta_t$} & \textbf{$\Delta_{do}$} & \textbf{Explanation} \\}
%%% ----- Rule of Thirds (Corners) -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Rule of Thirds (Corners)} \\
Horizontal Distance to Corner & 0 & HD/20 & HD & The horizontal distance between the centre of mass of the object and the closest corner. \\
Vertical Distance to Corner & 0 & HD/20 & HD & The vertical distance between the centre of mass of the object and the closest corner. \\
%%% ----- Rule of Thirds (Lines) -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Rule of Thirds (Lines)} \\
Line Angle & 45 & 15 & 30 & The angle between the prominent line of the object and the diagonal lines \\ % TODO: What object? Make sure it is clear.
Line Distance & 0 & 0.25 & 1 & The distance, in screen coordinates, from the prominent line of the object to the diagonal lines. \\ % TODO: Need to define screen coordinates
Corner Distances & 0 & 0.1 & 0.7 & The distance, in screen coordinates, from the end of the prominent line of the object to the corners of the screen. \\
%%% ----- Diagonal Dominance -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Diagonal Dominance} \\
Line Angle & 45 & 15 & 30 & The angle between the prominent line of the object and the diagonal lines \\ % TODO: What object? Make sure it is clear.
Line Distance & 0 & 0.25 & 1 & The distance, in screen coordinates, from the prominent line of the object to the diagonal lines. \\ % TODO: Need to define screen coordinates
Corner Distances & 0 & 0.1 & 0.7 & The distance, in screen coordinates, from the end of the prominent line of the object to the corners of the screen. \\
%%% ----- Visual Balance -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Visual Balance} \\
Horizontal Center & 0 & 0.1 & 0.5 & The horizontal component of the centre of mass of all the objects of the rule. \\ % TODO: What does "objects" mean here? It should be well explained.
Vertical Center & 0 & 0.1 & 0.5 & The vertical component of the centre of mass of all the objects of the rule. \\ % TODO: What does "objects" mean here? It should be well explained.
%%% ----- Boundary Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Boundardy Rule} \\
Left Outside & 0 & 5\% BW & 25\% BW & The width of the part of the object which is beyond the left border of the boundary specified by the rule. \\
Right Outside & 0 & 5\% BW & 25\% BW & The width of the part of the object which is beyond the right border of the boundary specified by the rule. \\
Top Outside & 0 & 5\% BH & 25\% BH & The height of the part of the object which is beyond the upper border of the boundary specified by the rule. \\
Bottom Outside & 0 & 5\% BH & 25\% BH & The height of the part of the object which is beyond the lower border of the boundary specified by the rule. \\
%%% ----- Framing Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Framing Rule} \\
Left Delta & 0 & 5\% FW & 25\% FW & The distance between the left of the object's frame and the left of the frame specified by the rule. \\
Right Delta & 0 & 5\% FW & 25\% FW & The distance between the right of the object's frame and the right of the frame specified by the rule. \\
Top Delta & 0 & 5\% FH & 25\% FH & The distance between the top of the object's frame and the top of the frame specified by the rule. \\
Bottom Delta & 0 & 5\% FH & 25\% FH & The distance between the bottom of the object's frame and the bottom of the frame specified by the rule. \\
%%% ----- Visibility Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Visibility Rule (Full Visibility)} \\
Visibility & 100 & 5 & 50 & The percentage of the visible part of the object. \\
%%% ----- Visibility Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Visibility Rule (No Visibility)} \\
Visibility & 0 & 5 & 50 & The percentage of the visible part of the object. \\
%%% ----- Position Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Position Rule} \\
Horizontal Distance & 0 & 0.01 & 0.25 & The horizontal distance between the centre of mass of the object and the position specified by the rule. \\
Vertical Distance & 0 & 0.01 & 0.25 & The vertical distance between the centre of mass of the object and the position specified by the rule. \\
%%% ----- Size Rule -----
\multicolumn{5}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{.8}}l|}{Size Rule} \\
Beyond Minimum Width & 0 & 5\% AOW & 25\% FW & The amount the width of the object is beyond the minimum width. \\
Beyond Minimum Height & 0 & 5\% AOH & 25\% FH & The amount the height of the object is beyond the minimum height. \\
Beyond Maximum Width & 0 & 5\% AOW & 25\% FW & The amount the width of the object is beyond the maximum width. \\
Beyond Maximum Height & 0 & 5\% AOH & 25\% FH & The amount the height of the object is beyond the maximum height. \\