如何在 TikZ 中反转“剪辑”选择?

如何在 TikZ 中反转“剪辑”选择?

我希望在坐标为 (A)、(B) 和 (C) 的三角形外侧画一条弧来表示反射角。


\path[clip] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
\draw (B) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker


\path[magicalinverseclipcommand] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
\draw (B) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker



您可以做的是向剪切路径添加一个大于当前边界框的矩形,然后使用该矩形进行剪切。Andrew Stacey 建议使用当前页面作为剪切矩形,因为这样可以捕获后面的所有元素。通过pgfinterruptboundingbox在定义剪切矩形时使用环境,实际大小tikzpicture不会受到影响。

请注意,为了使用current pageremember picture,overlay需要将选项传递给tikzpicture,并且需要运行两次编译才能正确定位所有元素。此外,这不适用于 documentclass minimal

\documentclass{article} % Has to be a proper class, not minimal

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]

% A path that follows the edges of the current page
\tikzstyle{reverseclip}=[insert path={(current page.north east) --
  (current page.south east) --
  (current page.south west) --
  (current page.north west) --
  (current page.north east)}

\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (1,0);
\coordinate (C) at (1,1);

\begin{pgfinterruptboundingbox} % To make sure our clipping path does not mess up the placement of the picture
\path [clip] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle [reverseclip];

\draw[thick] (A) circle (2mm);
\draw[thick] (B) circle (2mm);    
\draw[thick] (C) circle (2mm);   




\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]

% A path that follows the edges of the current page
\tikzstyle{reverseclip}=[insert path={(current page.north east) --
  (current page.south east) --
  (current page.south west) --
  (current page.north west) --
  (current page.north east)}

\draw [step=0.1,red] (0,0) grid  (2,2);

\begin{pgfinterruptboundingbox} % To make sure our clipping path does not mess up the placement of the picture
\path [clip,rounded corners] (0,0) -- (.75,0) -- (1.2,.8) -- (2,1) -- (1.4,1) -- (1.2,2) -- (.3,.75) -- cycle [reverseclip];

\draw [step=0.1,thick] (0,0) grid  (2,2);




为了避免remember pictureoverlay,我使用以下方法混合 Jack 溶液和 Altermundus 溶液:TikZ/PGF(TeX?)可以使用的矩形(编辑:正如 Qrrbrbirlbel 所建议的,我添加了[reset cm]一个独立于任何尺度变换的解决方案)。

第一个 tikzpicture 显示了两个(inv)剪辑三角形。

第二张 tikzpicture 显示的效果nonzero ruleeven odd rule不能直接在剪切路径中使用,请参阅下面的注释)。


\tikzset{invclip/.style={clip,insert path={{[reset cm]
      (-16383.99999pt,-16383.99999pt) rectangle (16383.99999pt,16383.99999pt)

\begin{tikzpicture}[outer sep=0mm]
  \coordinate (A) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (B) at (1,0);
  \coordinate (C) at (.5,1);
  \coordinate (Ap) at (0,1);
  \coordinate (Bp) at (1,1);
  \coordinate (Cp) at (.5,0);
  \begin{pgfinterruptboundingbox} % useful to avoid the rectangle in the bounding box
    (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (A)
    (Ap) -- (Cp) -- (Bp) -- (Ap);

  \fill[orange!50] (-1,-1) rectangle (2,2);

  \draw (A) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
  \draw (B) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
  \draw (C) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker

  \draw (Ap) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
  \draw (Bp) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
  \draw (Cp) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker


  \draw[red] (current bounding box.south west)
  rectangle (current bounding box.north east);

\begin{tikzpicture}[outer sep=0mm]
  \coordinate (A) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (B) at (1,0);
  \coordinate (C) at (.5,1);
  \coordinate (Ap) at (0,1);
  \coordinate (Bp) at (1,1);
  \coordinate (Cp) at (.5,0);
  \begin{pgfinterruptboundingbox} % useful to avoid the rectangle in the bounding box
    (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (A)
    (Ap) -- (Bp) -- (Cp) -- (Ap);

  \fill[orange!50] (-1,-1) rectangle (2,2);

  \draw (A) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
  \draw (B) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
  \draw (C) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker

  \draw (Ap) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
  \draw (Bp) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
  \draw (Cp) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker


  \draw[red] (current bounding box.south west)
  rectangle (current bounding box.north east);



在路径中无法组合clip和(在我看来这几乎是一个错误)。但是,如果您将选项添加到封闭范围,则操作将使用它。应用于上一个示例,剪切路径可以使用任何旋转方向:even odd ruleeven odd ruleclip

\tikzset{invclip/.style={clip,insert path={{[reset cm]
        (-16383.99999pt,-16383.99999pt) rectangle (16383.99999pt,16383.99999pt)}}}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[outer sep=0mm]

  \coordinate (A) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (B) at (1,0);
  \coordinate (C) at (.5,1);
  \coordinate (Ap) at (0,1);
  \coordinate (Bp) at (1,1);
  \coordinate (Cp) at (.5,0);
  \begin{scope}[even odd rule]

    \begin{pgfinterruptboundingbox} % useful to avoid the rectangle in the bounding box
      (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (A)
      (Ap) -- (Bp) -- (Cp) -- (Ap);

    \fill[orange!50] (-1,-1) rectangle (2,2);

    \draw (A) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
    \draw (B) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
    \draw (C) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker

    \draw (Ap) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
    \draw (Bp) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker
    \draw (Cp) circle (2mm);    % this is the little angle marker


  \draw[red] (current bounding box.south west)
  rectangle (current bounding box.north east);


@Jack 发给我一个关于invclip3D 图形中的反向剪辑-投影问题

这个问题显示了@PaulGaborit 的答案中的一个问题,即双括号

\tikzset{invclip/.style={clip,insert path={{[reset cm]
      (-16383.99999pt,-16383.99999pt) rectangle (16383.99999pt,16383.99999pt)

不限制范围reset cm。事实上,在上面链接的例子中,它占用了四个。因此,在上面的链接中,我建议使用以下代码

    clip even odd rule/.code={\pgfseteorule}, % Credit to Andrew Stacey 
        clip,insert path=
            [clip even odd rule]{
                [reset cm](-\maxdimen,-\maxdimen)rectangle(\maxdimen,\maxdimen)



    clip even odd rule/.code={\pgfseteorule}, % Credit to Andrew Stacey 
        clip,insert path=
            [clip even odd rule]{
                [reset cm](-\maxdimen,-\maxdimen)rectangle(\maxdimen,\maxdimen)

    \graph{subgraph K_n[n=20,clockwise,radius=50]};



为了开始这项工作,这里有一个使用的方法fadings。我它的缺点是,为了使它工作,必须在淡入淡出中指定一个大矩形,希望它足够大 - 我不知道如何自动化。问题是,当指定淡入淡出时,所有内容外部褪色被认为是透明的,而对于这个,人们想要一切外部清晰可见。


\fill[white] (-10,-10) rectangle (10,10);
\path (0,0) coordinate (A) +(0:2) coordinate (B) +(50:2) coordinate (C);
\fill[black] (B) -- (A) -- (C) -- cycle;

\draw[path fading=fadeit,fit fading=false] (0,0) circle (1);

它也不是那么好,因为必须从图片中分离出剪切的定义(我想知道是否可以使用remember picture...来解决这个问题)。

