biblatex 样式,一个文档中有多个参考书目

biblatex 样式,一个文档中有多个参考书目

这是献给所有 biblatex 大师的。

我刚刚从 Bibtex 转到 Biblatex,我觉得我迷失在众多可用选项中。这是我的情况:我有一份文档,论文,我打算最终用不同的样式创建两个书目..虽然现在我只想让事情正常运作。通过下面的工作示例,我得到了我想要的两个书目,但有些事情不清楚且不容易解决:1)文本内(textcite)输出:LastName、Initials 等,但我想要 LastName 等。2)书目样式输出:FirsAuthorLastName、FirstAuthorInitials、SecondAuthorLastName、SecondAuthorInitials 等,但如您所见,名字和姓氏以及作者之间都有逗号分隔。我认为这现在看起来不太好看。也许可以使用不同的标记,比如半栏。其次,我只想列出前几 (5) 位作者,不再以参考书目格式列出其他作者 3) 第二份参考书目中的项目也包含在第一份参考书目中?这还不算太糟,但是 4) 编号在第二个参考书目中继续,而不是从 1 开始 5) 最后,我是否需要以不同的格式列出第二个参考书目,比如作者-年份,按出版年份排序,我该怎么做?



  author = {Barton, Bryan E. and Olsen, Matthew T. and Rauchfuss, Thomas B.},
  title = {Aza- and Oxadithiolates Are Probable Proton Relays in Functional
    Models for the [FeFe]-Hydrogenases},
  journaltitle = {J. Am. Chem. Soc.},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {130},
  pages = {16834-16835},
  number = {50},
  doi = {10.1021/ja8057666},

  title = {Crystal Structure Determination},
  publisher = {Oxford University Press},
  year = {1998},
  author = {Clegg, William},
  isbn = {978-0-19-855901-6},
  location = {Oxford, U.K.},
% This file was created with JabRef 2.6.
% Encoding: UTF8

  author = {Guanying Chen and Tymish Y Ohulchanskyy and Wing Cheung Law and Hans
    Agren and Paras N Prasad},
  title = {Monodisperse NaYbF(4)?:?Tm(3+)/NaGdF(4) core/shell nanocrystals with
    near-infrared to near-infrared upconversion photoluminescence and
    magnetic resonance properties.},
  journal = {Nanoscale},
  year = {2011},
  month = {Mar},
  __markedentry = {[Theodore]},
  doi = {10.1039/c0nr01018a},
  institution = {Institute for Lasers, Photonics, and Biophotonics, The State University
    of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14260, USA. [email protected]
    [email protected].},
  language = {eng},
  medline-pst = {aheadofprint},
  pmid = {21373678},
  timestamp = {2011.03.15},
  url = {}

  author = {Hong Ding and Ken-Tye Yong and Wing-Chueng Law and Indrajit Roy and
    Rui Hu and Fang Wu and Weiwei Zhao and Kun Huang and Folarin Erogbogbo
    and Earl J Bergey and Paras N Prasad},
  title = {Non-invasive tumor detection in small animals using novel functional
    Pluronic nanomicelles conjugated with anti-mesothelin antibody.},
  journal = {Nanoscale},
  year = {2011},
  month = {Mar},
  __markedentry = {[Theodore]},
  doi = {10.1039/c1nr00001b},
  institution = {The Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics (ILPB), Department
    of Chemistry, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo,
    NY 14260, United States. [email protected].},
  language = {eng},
  medline-pst = {aheadofprint},
  pmid = {21365120},
  timestamp = {2011.03.15},
  url = {}

  author = {Hong Ding and Ken-Tye Yong and Indrajit Roy and Rui Hu and Fang Wu
    and Lingling Zhao and Wing-Cheung Law and Weiwei Zhao and Wei Ji
    and Liwei Liu and Earl J Bergey and Paras N Prasad},
  title = {Bioconjugated PLGA-4-arm-PEG branched polymeric nanoparticles as
    novel tumor targeting carriers.},
  journal = {Nanotechnology},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {22},
  pages = {165101},
  number = {16},
  month = {Apr},
  __markedentry = {[Theodore]},
  doi = {10.1088/0957-4484/22/16/165101},
  institution = {Department of Chemistry, Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics,
    University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo,
    NY 14260, USA. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University
    at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY 14260,
  language = {eng},
  medline-pst = {ppublish},
  pii = {S0957-4484(11)77811-4},
  pmid = {21393821},
  timestamp = {2011.03.15},
  url = {}

  author = {Zhaoguang Pang and Xinping Zhang},
  title = {Direct writing of large-area plasmonic photonic crystals using single-shot
    interference ablation.},
  journal = {Nanotechnology},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {22},
  pages = {145303},
  number = {14},
  month = {Apr},
  __markedentry = {[Theodore]},
  doi = {10.1088/0957-4484/22/14/145303},
  institution = {Institute of Information Photonics Technology and College of Applied
    Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, People's
    Republic of China. College of Physics Science and Information Engineering,
    Hebei Normal University, Shi Jia Zhuang 050016, People's Republic
    of China.},
  language = {eng},
  medline-pst = {ppublish},
  pii = {S0957-4484(11)78366-0},
  pmid = {21346302},
  timestamp = {2011.03.15},
  url = {}

  author = {Tianrui Zhai and Xinping Zhang and Zhaoguang Pang and Fei Dou},
  title = {Direct Writing of Polymer Lasers Using Interference Ablation.},
  journal = {Adv Mater},
  year = {2011},
  month = {Mar},
  __markedentry = {[Theodore]},
  doi = {10.1002/adma.201100250},
  institution = {Institute of Information Photonics Technology and College of Applied
    Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China.},
  language = {eng},
  medline-pst = {aheadofprint},
  pmid = {21374741},
  timestamp = {2011.03.15},
  url = {}

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\noindent This is a sample text citing all others
The filecontents stuff here is simply to generate a .bib file, and I've used \nocite{*} to include all references rather than selected citations. Said he \textcite{Chen2011}



\printbibliography[maxnames=99,category=mypubs,resetnumbers=true,omitnumbers=true,title={List of Publications}]







\renewcommand*{\finalnamedelim}{\addsemicolon\space}% also removes "and" before last author



至于您自己的出版物也包含在一般书目中:这正是您告诉 biblatex 要做的。此外,重新启动第二个书目[1]必然会引起混乱。最好尝试以下操作(启用 preable 选项defernumbers=true):

\printbibliography[category=mypubs,title={Own Publications}]
\printbibliography[notcategory=mypubs,title={Other References}]



