






\chapter{The number 4 is more than 2}

\section{The number 4 is}
    If I write chapter \ref{anotherChapter} like this is looks oki.
    But the number in the header is a small i not a \textsc{i} and same
    thing in the table of content and the chapter header\dots
\section{More than 4}
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur
    tempus facilisis nunc, sit amet suscipit ligula fermentum ac. Ut
    fringilla, elit eget facilisis venenatis, risus massa viverra sem, a
    placerat massa odio a mauris
\chapter{Another chapter}


编辑:我试图制作一个最简单的示例,但结果有点太简单了。在我的项目中,我使用无衬线字体作为图片标题,在尝试了 Lockstep 的第一个版本后,我得到了以下结果:





\chapter{The number 4 is more than 2}

\section{The number 4 is}
    If I write chapter \ref{anotherChapter} like this is
    looks oki.
    But the number in the header is a small i not a \textsc{i} and same
    thing in the table of content and the chapter header\dots
        \caption{Lorem ipsum}
        \center \LARGE LOREM IPSUM
\section{More than 4}
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur
    tempus facilisis nunc, sit amet suscipit ligula fermentum ac. Ut
    fringilla, elit eget facilisis venenatis, risus massa viverra sem, a
    placerat massa odio a mauris
\chapter{Another chapter}



选项osf切换mathpazopplj字体系列以显示旧式数字 - 但pplj(与 不同ppl)不具有粗体小写字母,因此您的罗马数字仅以粗体显示。因为您需要将粗体小写字母和粗体旧式数字组合用于诸如“[Section] i.1”之类的内容,所以解决方案是在的定义内切换到ppl并返回。(您可能还希望切换到而不是ToC 页码。)pplj\thechapterppljpplx





\chapter{The number 4 is more than 2}

\section{The number 4 is}
    If I write chapter \ref{anotherChapter} like this is
    looks oki.
    But the number in the header is a small i not a \textsc{i} and same
    thing in the table of content and the chapter header\dots
        \caption{Lorem ipsum}
        \center \LARGE LOREM IPSUM
\section{More than 4}
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur
    tempus facilisis nunc, sit amet suscipit ligula fermentum ac. Ut
    fringilla, elit eget facilisis venenatis, risus massa viverra sem, a
    placerat massa odio a mauris
\chapter{Another chapter}

编辑:示例已更新,以便仅ppl在当前字体系列为 时才切换到pplj。附加代码基于Mike Renfro 的回答;由于某种原因(扩展?)我不得不用它替换ifthen包才能etoolbox使其工作。

编辑 2:我不知道为什么我的测试pplj部分失败。无论如何,对 (Helvetica) 的测试phv成功了。:-)
