biblatex-chicago 中的所有格引用 (authordate)

biblatex-chicago 中的所有格引用 (authordate)

为了完成我的硕士论文,我将引用包从harvardwith改为bibtexwith biblatex-chicagoand authordatebibtex8主要是因为我需要 babel 将我的参考书目翻译成挪威语。但我怀念包\possessivecite中的命令harvard,而且我在文档中没有找到类似的命令biblatex-chicago


\newcommand{\posscite}[1]{\citeauthor{#1}'s \autocite*{#1}} 



我非常想这么做。因为我用挪威语写作,所以'当作者的名字以 s/sh/sj/rs/z 结尾时,我也需要所有格(与英语非常相似),而s在其他情况下则只需(没有撇号)。我该怎么做?





为了回应关于所有格引用的功能请求,Philipp Lehman 演示了如何labelname使用格式别名生成英语所有格。下面的代码将此方法扩展到其他类型的标签和挪威语所有格。它应该适用于标准作者年份样式的所有变体。



\DeclareNameFormat{labelname:poss}{% Based on labelname from biblatex.def








  author = {Kish, Leslie},
  title = {Survey Sampling},
  publisher = {John Wiley and Sons},
  address = {New York},
  year = {1965}}
  author = {{U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services}},
  url = {},
  year = {2011}}
  title = {Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Estimates},
  author = {{National Aeronautics and Space Administration}},
  shortauthor = {NASA},
  year = {2011}}
  shorthand = {Shorthand sj},
  year = {2010},
  publisher = {Anonymous Press},
  location = {New York}}
  label = {Label z},
  year = {2011},
  publisher = {Anonymous Press},
  location = {New York}}
  title = {A Book without Authors},
  year = {2011},
  publisher = {Anonymous Press},
  location = {New York}}
  title = {A Book with No Author},
  year = {2011},
  publisher = {Anonymous Press},
  location = {New York}}
  title = {Dynatext, Electronic Book Indexer/Browser},
  organization = {Electronic Book Technology Inc.},
  address = {Providence, RI},
  year = {1991}}



\subsection*{label ending in s/sh/sj/z}
Author ending in sh: \posscite[45--68]{kish} \\
Author ending in s: \posscite[45--68]{gillies} \\
Corporate author ending in s: \posscite{hss}
No author, title ending in s: \posscite[45--68]{noauthors} \\
No author or title; shorthand ending in sj: \posscite[45--68]{shorthand} \\
Author ending in z: \posscite[45--68]{gonzalez} \\
No author, title or shorthand; label ending in z: \posscites{label}{gillies}
\subsection*{label ending in other characters}
Manual by organization: \posscite{dyna:browser} \\
Shortauthor: \posscite[45--68]{nasa} \\
Shorthand: \posscite[45--68]{kant:ku} \\
No author: \posscite[45--68]{noauthor} \\
Compact labelname: \posscites{aristotle:physics}{aristotle:poetics}






\DeclareNameFormat{labelname:poss}{% Based on labelname from biblatex.def




\newbibmacro*{cite:label:poss}{% Based on cite:label from chicago-authordate.cbx





  author = {Kish, Leslie},
  title = {Survey Sampling},
  publisher = {John Wiley and Sons},
  address = {New York},
  year = {1965}}
  author = {{U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services}},
  url = {},
  year = {2011}}
  title = {Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Estimates},
  author = {{National Aeronautics and Space Administration}},
  shortauthor = {NASA},
  year = {2011}}
  shorthand = {Shorthand sj},
  year = {2010},
  publisher = {Anonymous Press},
  location = {New York}}
  label = {Label z},
  year = {2011},
  publisher = {Anonymous Press},
  location = {New York}}
  title = {A Book without Authors},
  year = {2011},
  publisher = {Anonymous Press},
  location = {New York}}
  title = {A Book with No Author},
  year = {2011},
  publisher = {Anonymous Press},
  location = {New York}}
  title = {Dynatext, Electronic Book Indexer/Browser},
  organization = {Electronic Book Technology Inc.},
  address = {Providence, RI},
  year = {1991}}



\subsection*{label ending in s/sh/sj/z}
Author ending in sh: \posscite[45--68]{kish} \\
Author ending in s: \posscite[45--68]{gillies} \\
Corporate author ending in s: \posscite{hss}
No author, title ending in s: \posscite[45--68]{noauthors} \\
No author or title; shorthand ending in sj: \posscite[45--68]{shorthand} \\
Author ending in z: \posscite[45--68]{gonzalez} \\
No author, title or shorthand; label ending in z: \posscites{label}{gillies}
\subsection*{label ending in other characters}
Manual by organization: \posscite{dyna:browser} \\
Shortauthor: \posscite[45--68]{nasa} \\
Shorthand: \posscite[45--68]{kant:ku} \\
No author: \posscite[45--68]{noauthor} \\
Compact labelname: \posscites{aristotle:physics}{aristotle:poetics}




我想说,传递一个命令来解决该问题可能超出了 LaTeX 的结构标记逻辑:您应该在文本中对这些区别进行硬编码,尤其是因为如果您必须将文档转换为另一种格式,它将为您提供正确的服务。

换句话说,在抽象层面上,我不确定 LaTeX 是否应该提供一种方法让你的引用命令如此依赖于你的内容;在我看来,这似乎违反了语言的核心逻辑。
