如何在 TikZ 中绘制以下镜像圆柱体以及镜像“Muon”?提前致谢!
\tikzset{every node/.style={cylinder, shape border rotate=90, draw,cylinder uses custom fill,
cylinder end fill=green!25!black,cylinder body fill=green!60!black,minimum height=5cm,
minimum width=2cm,opacity=.4}}
\node (#3) at (#1,#2) {};
\draw[dashed] (#1+1,-2+#2) arc [start angle=0, end angle=180,
x radius=1cm, y radius=3mm];
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, aspect=2.5]
% the cylinders
% we extract the x-coordinates to obtain the center of the top of the cylinder
\pgfextractx\mylena{(a.after top)}
\pgfextractx\mylenb{(a.before top)}
% the "spin" lines
\begin{scope}[decoration={markings,mark= at position .5 with {\arrow{stealth}}}]
\draw[thick,postaction={decorate}] (-1,0.5) arc [start angle=120, end angle=420,
x radius=2cm, y radius=5mm];
\draw[thick,postaction={decorate}] (7,1.5) arc [start angle=60, end angle=-240,
x radius=2cm, y radius=5mm];
% the vectors at the top and bottom of the cylinders
\begin{scope}[ultra thick,->,green!20!black]
\draw (1.5\mylena,2.5) -- (1,3.5);
\draw (1.5\mylena,2.5) -- (-1,3.5);
\draw (1.5\mylena,2.5) -- (0,3.5);
\draw (1.5\mylena,-2.3) -- (0,-3);
\draw[xshift=-7] (1.5\mylena,-2.3) -- (-0.7,-3);
\draw[xshift=7] (1.5\mylena,-2.3) -- (0.7,-3);
\begin{scope}[ultra thick,->,xshift=6cm,yshift=1cm,green!20!black]
\draw (1.5\mylena,2.5) -- (1,3.5);
\draw (1.5\mylena,2.5) -- (-1,3.5);
\draw (1.5\mylena,2.5) -- (0,3.5);
\draw (1.5\mylena,-2.3) -- (0,-3);
\draw[xshift=-7] (1.5\mylena,-2.3) -- (-0.7,-3);
\draw[xshift=7] (1.5\mylena,-2.3) -- (0.7,-3);
% the mirror
\draw (3,-3) -- (3,8) -- (9,5) -- (9,-3);
\draw (3.2,8.1) -- (9.2,5.1) -- (9.2,-3);
\draw (3.2,8.1) -- (3,8);
\draw (9.2,5.1) -- (9,5);
% the labels
\node[xscale=-1] at (8,0) {Muon};
\node at (7,7) {Mirror};
\node at (0,5) {Dacay electrons};
% Syntax: \Cylinder{<x-coordinate>}{<y-coordinate>}{<name>}
\tikzset{Cylin/.style={ cylinder , shape border rotate = 90 , draw , cylinder uses custom fill ,
cylinder end fill = green!25!black , cylinder body fill = green!60!black , minimum height = 5cm,
minimum width = 2cm , opacity = 0.4 , aspect = 2.5}}
\node[Cylin] (#3) at (#1,#2) {};
\draw[dashed] (#1+1,-2+#2) arc [start angle=0, end angle=180,
x radius=1cm, y radius=3mm];
\begin{scope}[ultra thick,->,green!20!black]
\foreach \bear in {40,90,140}
\draw ($(#3.center)+(0,2.5)$) -- +(\bear:1.5);
\foreach \angle/\bear in {264/220,270/270,276/320}
\draw (node cs:name=#3,angle=\angle) -- +(\bear:1.2);
% the cylinders
% the "spin" lines
\begin{scope}[decoration={markings,mark= at position .5 with {\arrow{stealth}}} , thick]
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (-1,0.5) arc [start angle=120, end angle=420,
x radius=2cm, y radius=5mm];
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (7,1.5) arc [start angle=60, end angle=-240,
x radius=2cm, y radius=5mm];
% the mirror
\draw (3,-3) -- (3,8) -- (9,5) -- (9,-3);
\draw (3.2,8.1) -- (9.2,5.1) -- (9.2,-3);
\draw (3.2,8.1) -- (3,8);
\draw (9.2,5.1) -- (9,5);
% the labels
\node[xscale=-1] at (8,0) {Muon};
\node at (7,7) {Mirror};
\node at (0,5) {Decay electrons};