在论坛上读到许多关于 biblatex 的好东西后,我想开始使用它。我尝试了要切换到 biblatex 该怎么做?在一个我已经使用 BibTeX 的文件上,但收到了未定义的控制序列错误\addbibresource
我正在使用 AucTeX 11.866 和 TeXLive 2009。下面是我正在尝试编译的文档以及它输出的错误。我正在使用默认引擎并生成 PDF(或尝试生成)。我应该怎么做才能让它工作?
% biblatex-examples.bib is located in ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib/
\section*{Name of first section here}
This is just filler text \parencite{companion}.
This is just filler text \parencite[59]{companion}.
This is just filler text \parencite[see][]{companion}.
This is just filler text \parencite[see][59--63]{companion}.
ERROR: Undefined control sequence.
--- TeX said ---
l.11 \addbibresource
--- HELP ---
TeX encountered an unknown command name. You probably misspelled the
name. If this message occurs when a LaTeX command is being processed,
the command is probably in the wrong place---for example, the error
can be produced by an \item command that's not inside a list-making
environment. The error can also be caused by a missing \documentclass
AUCTeX 与此无关。问题是,它\addbibresource
已从 1.2 版添加到 biblatex,而 TeX Live 2009 中没有。
最好的方法是从以下网址下载 MacTeX 2010 进行升级http://tug.org/mactex并运行 TeX Live Manager 来获取最新的发行版(我假设你使用的是 Mac OS X
% biblatex-examples.bib is located in ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib/