我正在写一本关于 Awk 编程语言的书,并且我已通过 启用了单个框架\lstset{frame=single}
。但是,我希望代码片段框内的代码离框架边框更远。有什么想法可以更改代码片段框内代码的填充吗?在 HTML 中我只需执行padding: 5px
,但我不知道如何在 LaTeX 中执行此操作。
% Define your custom style
framexleftmargin=5mm, % Adjust left margin
framextopmargin=3pt, % Adjust top margin
Below is a lstlisting box with the default padding.
A box using the default padding
Below is a lstlisting box that uses the style with additional padding as defined above.
A box using a new padding
And here's an example when the additional spacing is added not defining your own style. And the box has been pushed back to its original position, keeping the left-margin inside the box the same as above.
\begin{lstlisting}[framexleftmargin=5mm, framextopmargin=3pt, xleftmargin=5mm]
A box using a new padding with a lot of code so we can see how the box handles line breaks