% Need it for floating environment
% Hide endif .etc
% Need it for \caption*
% Fix macro spacing bug
\algrenewcommand{\algorithmicforall}{\textbf{for each}}
% \algrenewcommand instead of \renewcommand according to manual
% Not stated in manual, \Return and \algorithmicreturn are defined, but no \algorithmicstate, why?
\newcommand{\Dosth}{\State \textbf{Do Something}\xspace}
% Note no space before \xspace
\newcommand{\Please}[1]{\State \textbf{#1}}
% Fail to use \algorithmicforall, why?
\caption*{\textbf{Algorithm:} \textsc{Depth First Search}} \label{alg:dfs1}
\State $count \gets count + 1$
\Please{mark} $v$ with $count$
\Dosth with $v$
\ForEach{vertex $w \in \mathcal{V}$ adjacent to $v$}
\If{$w$ is marked with $0$} \Comment Only needed to exclude its parent.\footnote{No sibling is visited before the loop. Each sibling will be visited exactly once due to the nature of the loop.}
\State \Call{DFS}{$w$}
\State \Return
% Need it for floating environment
% Hide endif .etc
% Need it for \caption*
% Fix macro spacing bug
\algrenewcommand{\algorithmicforall}{\textbf{for each}}
% \algrenewcommand instead of \renewcommand according to manual
% Not stated in manual, \Return and \algorithmicreturn are defined, but no \algorithmicstate, why?
\newcommand{\Dosth}{\State \textbf{Do Something}\xspace}
% Note no space before \xspace
\newcommand{\Please}[1]{\State \textbf{#1}}
% Fail to use \algorithmicforall, why?
\caption*{\textbf{Algorithm:} \textsc{Depth First Search}} \label{alg:dfs1}
\State $count \gets count + 1$
\Please{mark} $v$ with $count$
\Dosth with $v$
\ForEach{vertex $w \in \mathcal{V}$ adjacent to $v$}
\If{$w$ is marked with $0$} \Comment Only needed to exclude its parent.\footnotemark
\State \Call{DFS}{$w$}
\State \Return
\footnotetext{No sibling is visited before the loop. Each sibling will be visited exactly once due to the nature of the loop.}
在某些情况下,它确实有效,但我发现它们可能并不总是有效,因为从 latex.org 上查看