

我想为下面的代码创建 \printshorthands,并将文本中使用的首字母缩略词与书目简写放在同一个列表中。有人能帮忙吗?




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  pages = {pp\adddot},



                test {\iffieldundef{title}}
                test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}}








title = {Environmental Science and Management in Developing versus Developed Countries: education and research perspectives},
xref = {Environment2000},
author = {John Doe},
pages = {23--45},
keywords = {primary}

title = {Public health: implications from a compromised environment},
xref = {Environment2000},
author = {Ho Chi Minh},
pages = {330--335},
keywords = {primary}

title = {International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration, and Management},
shorthand = {ICEP},
date = {2000},
keywords = {primary}}

xref = {westfahl:frontier},
author = {Westfahl, Gary},
title = {The True Frontier},
subtitle = {Confronting and Avoiding the Realities of Space in American Science Fiction Films},
pages = {55--65},
keywords = {secondaire}}

editor = {Westfahl, Gary},
shorthand = {FTSF},
title = {Space and Beyond},
subtitle = {The Frontier Theme in Science Fiction},
publisher = {Greenwood},
location = {Westport, Conn. and London},
date = {2000},
keywords = {secondaire}}

title = {Decide ne plus refuser},
xref = {Episkepsis},
date = {1970},
number = {1},
pages = {6--7},
keywords = {primary}}

title = {La jeunesse et la preparation},
xref = {Episkepsis},
date = {1972},
number = {62},
pages = {5--7},
keywords = {primary}}

title = {Reunion a Chambesy de la IV\textsuperscript{e} Conference},
xref = {Episkepsis},
date = {2009},
number = {701},
pages = {8--21},
keywords = {secondaire}}

options = {skipbib=true},
title = {Episkepsis},
shorthand = {EP},
date = {1970/},
publisher = {Ceneter OPO},
address = {Chambesy--Geneve},
keywords = {primary}}







\chapter{Le choix du thème}
Balah blah blah L'Organisation des Nations unies (ONU) 

\chapter{Initiatives du PO}
\section{Les lettres du PO 1904}
Balah blah blah (ONU) 

\chapter{Les décisions des CP}
\section{Les décisions des CP de Rhodes 1964}


\chapter{L'ouvre de la CIP}
\section{Les décisions de la I\textsuperscript{re} CPP}

\chapter{Évaluation de l'œuvre accomplie et perspectives}
\section{Évaluation de l'œuvre accomplie}



\printbibliography[keyword=primary,heading=subbibliography,title={Les sources principaux}]
\printbibliography[keyword=secondaire,heading=subbibliography,title={Les sources secondaires}]





EP Episkepsis(1970–)。

FTSF Gary W. 编辑。《太空和超越。科幻小说中的边疆主题》。康涅狄格州韦斯特波特和伦敦:格林伍德,2000 年。

GSM 移动特别集团

ICEP 环境污染、修复和管理国际会议。2000 年。

ONU 联合国组织









title = {International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration, and Management},
shorthand = {ICEP},
date = {2000}}

title = {Episkepsis},
shorthand = {EP},
date = {1970/},
publisher = {Ceneter OPO},
address = {Chambesy--Geneve}}

options = {skipbib=true},
title = {L'Organisation des Nations unies},
shorthand = {ONU}}


The \acro{ONU} reads \cite{Epi}. The \acro{ONU} published a talk in the \cite{Env}.

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