冒着在一般 TeX 论坛上问另一个 TIKZ 问题的风险 :),我想知道是否有任何简单的方法可以在 TikZ 中绘制像双曲抛物面这样的直纹曲面?我对曲面本身并不挑剔:我只需要一些视觉效果来制作一个看起来不平凡的曲面,而双曲抛物面就是一个很好的例子,因为它有负曲率。我检查了 texample.net 和谷歌,虽然我找到了一个可以做到这一点的 PSTricks 包,但它不适合我使用 pdflatex 和 Beamer 的工作流程。
PGFplots 可以很好地处理不太复杂的 3D 图。以下是双曲抛物面的示例:
\addplot3 [surf,shader=flat,draw=black] {x^2-y^2};
直接获取 pdf。它显示了 xy 平面中 3D 曲线的 2D 视图。
viewpoint=50 30 25 rtp2xyz,Decran=50,lightsrc=viewpoint}
\psSolid[ngrid=.3 .3,object=grille,base=1.5 6.5 1.5 6.5,
\psPoint(4,4,4 5 sub 2 exp 4 5 sub 2 exp sub 6 div 5 add){P}
\psSurface[ngrid=.3 .3,fillcolor=green!30,incolor=gray!30,intersectiontype=0,
[0 0 1 -6.5]
[0 0 1 -6.1]
[0 0 1 -5.7]
[0 0 1 -5.3]
[0 0 1 -4.9]},intersectioncolor=(bleu),intersectionlinewidth=1,
linewidth=0.4pt,algebraic](1.5,1.5)(6.5,6.5){ ((y-5)^2-(x-5)^2)/6+5 }
\psPoint(2,6.5,6.5 5 sub 2 exp 2 5 sub 2 exp sub 6 div 5 add){S}\uput[0](S){$S$}
%% Contouring on xy plane for z=6.5 6.1 5.7 5.3 4.9
%% Explicit representation: z=((y-5)2-(x-5)2)/6+5
%% Parametric representation of z=f(x,y)
%% x=x(x)=x
%% y=y(x)=sqrt((x-5)^2+6*(z-5))+5
%% z=z(x)=0
\psSolid[range=3.155 6.5]
\psSolid[range=2.6 6.5]
\psSolid[range=2.15 6.5]
\psSolid[range=1.75 6.5]
\psSolid[range=4.35 5.7]
\psSolid[range=1.6 6.5]
\psSolid[range=3.7 6.3]
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (1,0,0);
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,1,0);
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,0,1);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\steps} {
\draw[ultra thick,color={startcolor!\i!endcolor}]
($(\lineAstart)!{\n/\steps}!(\lineAend)$) --
\coordinate (lineAstart) at (1,0,1);
\coordinate (lineAend) at (0,0,0);
\coordinate (lineBstart) at (1,1,0);
\coordinate (lineBend) at (0,1,1);
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (1,0,0);
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,1,0);
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,0,1);
% Draw the first family of lines
\draw[name path global={f1l0},name path global={f1l0-short},f1] (lineAstart) -- (lineBstart);
\foreach \n in {1,...,\steps} {
% Create the path of the lines
\edef\optname{name path global={f1l\n}}
($(lineAstart)!{\n/\steps}!(lineAend)$) --
% Draw the correct bits of the lines
\edef\optname{name intersections={of={f1l\n} and f1l\p},name path global={f1l\n-short}}
(intersection-1) -- ($(lineBstart)!{\n/\steps}!(lineBend)$);
\edef\optname{name intersections={of={f1l\n} and f1l0}}
($(lineAstart)!{\n/\steps}!(lineAend)$) -- (intersection-1);
% Draw the second family of lines
\foreach \n in {\steps,...,0} {
% Create the paths
\edef\optname{name path global={f2l\n}}
\expandafter\path\expandafter[\optname,shorten <=4pt]
($(lineAstart)!{\n/\steps}!(lineBstart)$) --
% Draw the correct bits
\ifnum\n=\steps % handle the first line separately
\draw[f2] (lineBstart) -- (lineBend);
% Note: one should actually find the intersection with the correct line of the first family.
% However, this is rather complicated. The following gives a good approximation when the
% number of lines is high enough.
\edef\optname{name intersections={of={f2l\n} and f2l\p,total=\noexpand\total}}
($(lineAstart)!{\n/\steps}!(lineBstart)$) -- (intersection-1);
($(lineAstart)!{\n/\steps}!(lineBstart)$) -- ($(lineAend)!{\n/\steps}!(lineBend)$);