



根据我之前几乎相同的问题的答案,我得到了来自法国论坛的 Olivier 的提示。他建议使用布尔值(嗯,不知道这是什么?)来从通过详细生成的脚注引用中删除标题。并在最终参考书目中引用标题。



  • 如果我使用带有 DOI 或 URL 的 ref,我可以直接从 pdf 访问它们。太棒了。但是,如果我将字段 DOI 添加到 Olivier 的布尔限制中,我当然会将它们从脚注引用中删除,这正是我想要的,但链接在最终引用中不再有效?怎么回事?有什么想法吗?
  • 第二件很棒的事情是将最终参考书目中的标题作为 URL 的链接,这样我们就不会看到这些丑陋的 DOI 和 URL。这又可能吗?



\usepackage[pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

% No brackets around the number of each bibliography entry

% Essentially verbatim from Joseph Wright
% http://www.texdev.net/2010/03/08/biblatex-numbered-citations-as-footnotes/



        {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring prenote argument}}%
        {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring postnote argument}}}



    hyphenation = {american},
    title = {Natural Products as Sources of New Drugs over the Last 25 Years},
    author = {Newman, D.J. and Cragg, G.M.},
    journal = {J. of Nat. Prod.},
    volume = {70},
    number = {3},
    pages = {461--477},
    year = {2007},
    doi = {10.1021/np068054v}}
    hyphenation = {american},
    title = {Natural products as leads to potential drugs: an old process or the new hope for drug discovery?},
    author = {Newman, D.J.},
    journal = {J. of Med. Chem.},
    volume = {51},
    number = {9},
    pages = {2589--2599},
    year = {2008}}
    author = {Quintin, C.},
    title = {Les eponges},
    url = {http://christophe.quintin.pagesperso-orange.fr/Liste_Doc.html},
    urldate = {2009-05-03}}
    author = {Lewis, Frederick D and Zuo, Xiaobing},
    doi = {10.1021/ja035066j},
    issn = {0002-7863},
    journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society},
    month = jul,
    number = {29},
    pages = {8806--13},
    pmid = {12862475},
    title = {{Activated decay pathways for planar vs twisted singlet phenylalkenes.}},
    url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12862475},
    volume = {125},
    year = {2003}




%\DeclareFieldFormat*{doi}{\ifbool{cbb}{{#1\adddot}}{}}  % If you uncomment these doi, url or issn lines they desapear of course from the footnotes but become inactive links in the final bibliography how come ?

First citation.\sfcite{ref1,ref2} \pagebreak \\
Second citation\sfcite{ref1}, second citation\sfcite{ref2}, first citation.\sfcite{ref3} And also \sfcite{Lewis2003}






\AtEveryCitekey可以使用hook 和\clearfield, \clearname,命令在引文输出中隐藏选定的书目数据\clearlist。这种方法非常灵活,并且应该能够适应软件包更新。它还使您无需编辑冗长的书目驱动程序。

title通过重新定义书目宏,可以轻松将 DOI 和 URL 嵌入到标题中。chem-acs打印标题时包含一个句号,这会导致引用中出现一些奇怪的标点符号。为了避免这种情况,我重新定义了标题格式,并在title宏中添加了一个句号来分隔文章和期刊标题。这种方法可能需要在 的后续版本中更新biblatex-chem

OP 链接的答案,使用原始脚注仍然存在问题。在这里,我定义了一个新的脚注命令,使用罗马标记来避免干扰引用脚注。一个改进是将脚注排序为更易读的方式。本主题涵盖在另一个问题

请注意babel french重新定义了脚注的外观。更改此设置需要编辑\@makefntextFB,而不是\@makefntext



% No brackets around the number of each bibliography entry

% Suppress article title, doi, url, etc. in citations

% Print year instead of date, when available; make use of urldate
\renewbibmacro*{date}{% Based on date bib macro from chem-acs.bbx

% Remove period from titles

% Embed doi and url in titles, when available
\renewbibmacro*{title}{% Based on title bib macro from biblatex.def
  \ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldundef{title}}
               and test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}} }
    {\ifboolexpr{ test {\ifhyperref}
                  and not test {\iffieldundef{doi}} }
       {\ifboolexpr{ test {\ifhyperref}
                     and not test {\iffieldundef{url}} }
  \ifentrytype{article}% Delimit article and journal titles with a period

% Essentially verbatim from Joseph Wright
% http://www.texdev.net/2010/03/08/biblatex-numbered-citations-as-footnotes/

     {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring prenote argument}}%
        {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring postnote argument}}}





  hyphenation = {american},
  title = {Natural Products as Sources of New Drugs over the Last 25 Years},
  author = {Newman, D.J. and Cragg, G.M.},
  journal = {J. of Nat. Prod.},
  volume = {70},
  number = {3},
  pages = {461--477},
  year = {2007},
  doi = {10.1021/np068054v}}
  hyphenation = {american},
  title = {Natural products as leads to potential drugs:
    {An} old process or the new hope for drug discovery?},
  author = {Newman, D.J.},
  journal = {J. of Med. Chem.},
  volume = {51},
  number = {9},
  pages = {2589--2599},
  year = {2008}}
  author = {Quintin, C.},
  title = {Les eponges},
  url = {http://christophe.quintin.pagesperso-orange.fr/Liste_Doc.html},
  urldate = {2009-05-03}}
  hyphenation = {american},
  author = {Lewis, Frederick D and Zuo, Xiaobing},
  doi = {10.1021/ja035066j},
  issn = {0002-7863},
  journal = {J. Am. Chem. Soc.},
  month = jul,
  number = {29},
  pages = {8806--13},
  pmid = {12862475},
  title = {Activated decay pathways for planar vs twisted singlet phenylalkenes},
  url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12862475},
  volume = {125},
  year = {2003}}
  hyphenation = {british},
  title = {Purification of Laboratory Chemicals},
  publisher = {Butterworth--Heine\-mann},
  year = {2003},
  author = {Armarego, W. L. F. and Chai, Christina Lin Li},
  location = {London},
  edition = {5}}

Vanilla footnote.\vfootnote{Vanilla footnote text.}
First citation.\sfcite[cf.][461]{ref1}
Vanilla footnote.\vfootnote{Vanilla footnote text.}
First citation.\sfcite[e.g.][2589]{ref2}
First ``multi'' citation.\sfcite{ref3,Armarego2003}
Second citation.\sfcite{ref2}
Second citation.\sfcite{ref3}
Vanilla footnote.\vfootnote{Vanilla footnote text.}
Second citation.\sfcite{ref1}
First citation.\sfcite{ref4}

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