消失的字符 Xelatex?

消失的字符 Xelatex?

我注意到,当我编译 .tex 文件 (xelatex -- biber -- xelatex) 时,几个字符 (如 π 和 Λ) 会丢失。以下是我得到的结果:

[1] P. del Amo Sanchez 等人“寻找破坏重子数和轻子数的衰变B0+c −、B−− 和B− ̄−”。见:Phys.Rev. D83(2011 年),第 091101 页。

[2] JP Lees 等人。“使用初态辐射测量反应 e+e−K+K−+−、K+K−00 和 K+K−K+K− 的截面”。在:(2011 年)。* 临时条目 *。


[1] 寻找重子数和轻子数破坏衰变 B0→Λ+cℓ−、B−→Λℓ− 和 B−→Λˉℓ−。(见http://inspirebeta.net/record/884880

[2] 使用初态辐射测量的反应 e+e−→K+K−π+π−、K+K−π0π0 和 K+K−K+K− 的截面。(见http://inspirebeta.net/record/892684

这是我的 .tex 文件:


\setmainfont{Bitstream Cyberbit} % or any font on your system
\setsansfont{Asana Math} % or any font on your system

\usepackage[backend=biber, bibencoding=utf8]{biblatex}


\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{doi=false, eprint=false}

  author         = "Lees, J.P. and others",
  title          = "{Cross Sections for the Reactions $e^+e^- \to K^+ K^-
                    \pi^+\pi^-,\, K^+ K^- \pi^0\pi^0$, and $K^+ K^- K^+ K^-$
                    Measured Using Initial-State Radiation}",
  collaboration  = "The BABAR Collaboration",
  year           = "2011",
  note           = "* Temporary entry *",
  eprint         = "1103.3001",
  archivePrefix  = "arXiv",
  primaryClass   = "hep-ex",

  author         = "del Amo Sanchez, P. and others",
  title          = "{Searches for the baryon- and lepton-number violating
                    decays $B^0\rightarrow\Lambda_c^+\ell^-$,
                    $B^-\rightarrow\Lambda\ell^-$, and
  collaboration  = "BABAR Collaboration",
  journal        = "Phys.Rev.",
  volume         = "D83",
  pages          = "091101",
  doi            = "10.1103/PhysRevD.83.091101",
  year           = "2011",
  eprint         = "1101.3830",
  archivePrefix  = "arXiv",
  primaryClass   = "hep-ex",









\setmathfont{Asana Math}

